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wanna surpise the gfriend.any tips?

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hello im 19 yrs old and have been with my girlfriend for almost 3 months. i really like her and we have lots of fun together.we'll usually go hang out at the town mall,go to the movies,or go out to eat. but this weekend id like to do somethin special for her. NOTHING would make me feel as good as if she said "honey i really had a fun time tonite" she used to say it all the time. i kno she is still into me i jus think maybe i gotta change the scenery a little bit.Halloween is coming, maybe i could ask her if she wants to dress up and go out....or is that too inmature? she is the kind of girl who jus likes to have fun she dressed up and went to a halloween party with her friends las weekend.idk im not very expierienced with relationships, and i jus really wanna surpise her.any tips???

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Take charge and make plans. Tell her you're taking her somewhere, tell her what time, tell her how she should dress. That's all she needs to know.


As far as ideas, think of things she likes. I once told a woman, "bring warm clothes, high heels, and a swimsuit." Threw her off a bit with the high heels, but women will usually bring a pair anyways. It ended up being a trip to the beach, overnight. It worked for 2 reasons: one, I took charge and planned everything. two, it builds psychological anxiety and/or excitement. So, I think you can do something like this - but make sure it's something you know she would enjoy. It's all about what she likes and what her interests are, not yours. Have fun.

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Hey man I have had plenty of experience with relationships and with making women happy. Here are some tips.

your halloween Idea is great You are never to old to dress up expecially as a couple consider Dr. and Nurse, or Banchee and Ghost, or Matching Pirates (thats what me and My girlie are doing this year) I was actually thinking the same thing recently that I wanted to do something special so I got us tickets to go to a party on a boat that will go on a halloween cruise. Depending on where you are this may or may not be an option. I suggest that you research what is going on in your area, check myspace... HA HA. no seriously find out what interests her, Does she like nature, music, romantic dinners. Take her somewhere senic, get concert tickets or tickets to some sort of underage rave or other halloween event, go to a pricey romatic dinner at a place that won't card you when you order a bottle of wine. Don't be afraid to spend money this is part of being in a relationship eventually she will spend money on you too. and your efforts will be reciprocated. I wish you the best. Have fun

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