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First Ultrasound Yesterday


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So yesterday I was so nervous that I would see that my baby has two heads or no heart beat or something terrible like that. I could see it so well. Its so cute, it made me and my sweetie cry. Only one head, only one baby, and a really fast little heartbeat. It turns out I am only measured at 9 weeks (I thought I was 11)! So my due date is officially May 30th, 2007.


Its crazy actually. The significance of that date is insane. When I was 8 I lost my older step-brother. His birthday was May 30th. A year later my step dad and my mom gave birth to my little sister Sandy on May 30th. That step dad turned out to be a weiner, so my they divorced. A few years later my mom met my present step-father. He is the best father I have ever had, and believe me, I've seen my share. He is the ONLY man who has ever been a father to Sandy. He is officially adopting her after her biological father passed away. Anyways, his birthday is the May 30th also.


I still havent officially told my familiy, I am sure they will be shocked that we are having another baby, sort of in memory, of my step brother. Weird huh?


I am so happy guys. You were right, my ultrasound was the happiest day of my life. It makes hunching over the toilet all day a little easier when I think about the little dude's (or dudette's) beating heart.


I love my baby.



9wks, 1 day

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This is so cool.


I could hardly sleep the night before my first ultrasound. I was also worried that it would have 2 heads or something.


You are only at nine weeks so you'll probably have to hang in there a little longer than expected before your body starts to give you a break. But it will be over before you know it, and your bond with the darling will just keep on growing now that you've seen him/ her.

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I never got a first trimester ultrasound. I had to wait until I was 20 weeks or so, I was so scared! I was sure I would have twins or they would show me some horribly deformed baby, but everything seems to be turning out great (fingers crossed!).


Well congratulations!!! You do have a few more weeks before your 2nd trimester so continue to take it easy and good luck!

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My first ultrasound during this pregnancy was at only 6 weeks because my doctor had to make sure that I wasn't having a second ectopic. I was happy to see that only one baby was floating around in there. But because of the yolk sac and the tiny tiny baby, it looked like a diamond ring! So weird. That heartbeat was the most amazing thing I'd ever heard, and I couldn't believe I could hear and see my baby's heart beating at only 6 weeks gestation!


That's crazy about all the May 30ths. I hope your baby's actually born on that date, maybe you can name him or her after your stepdad! Congratulations on your tiny little bean!

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I never got a first trimester ultrasound. I had to wait until I was 20 weeks or so


I remember that. They really made you wait.....to be seen intially, and then for the ultrasound. I'm glad you are doing well too.


I think it all depends on the doctor. Some will give an ultrasound earlier than others. If you talk wth your doctor about genetic screening and testing (which usually includes and ultrasound), you often have a choice in the matter.


Given the recent miscarriage my husband and I went through, when I get pregnant again, I already told my doc that I want an ultrasound ASAP. It can be a great relief to see that little heart beating. I'll probably end up getting one of those doppler monitors too. link removed



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