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husband cheating?


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wow, i'm so shocked and sad to see the progression of this... I followed this thread at the early stages, but this has gone so far and fast, I can only imagine how your head is spinning. my thoughts are with you.


acutally, finewhine is right!! do not question yourself... what is happening to you is completely disgusting and bizarre. you didn't do anything wrong, and even though they are proceeding like it's normal to act like they are, it's definitely NOT!!! try to keep in mind that you are the only one acting like a mature, caring, adult. please don't get down on yourself, because as I see it you are the only sane one in the bunch!!


hang in there, heal yourself, and do not let them destroy what makes you a good person.

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100% agreement, I also feel that your husband will see light, but I wouldn't assume to know how long down the line that may be...


I think it's wonderful you have such caring friends around you. But that does not surprise me, as you are obviously a wonderful caring person yourself...


I understand how much pain you must be going through, but can I just say, you have been an inspiration to us all here, and I wish you nothing but the absolute deserved best.


You are a trooper...Keep trooping!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so glad I found this website. I recently discovered my husband has been cheating. Unfortunately, there's some comfort knowing that you're not alone. The irony is that I would have never guessed that my husband would do such a thing. So Worried, I completely understand the shock and horror that you're feeling, and I truly admire the poise and calm that you display in the midst of such insanity.


My heart goes out to you and just know that none of this is your fault. Sometimes, the faithful and trusting spouse start to wonder "what if?", what if I contributed in some way to this situation, but DON'T, not even for a second. You are so much more than the sum of this situation and I wish you all the best.

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As an outsider looking in, it seems to me that there is definitely something foul in play. I'm sure you love your husband and only want to expect the best from him. HOwever, you have to listen to your gut instincts. Listen to what they are telling you. Often times we write off our gut instincts as paranoya.

Women have a great sense of intuition. Even better than that of a man. I would listen to it if i were you. My gut feelings have never been wrong.

Find the right time to confront your husband. Be firm , but not too confrontational, he will just get defensive. Good luck!!!!!!!

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Oh my, I just finished reading this thread and I think this is one of the most horrible stories about cheating and divorce I have ever read here. Girl, my heart goes out to you. Keep us updated on how you are doing, ok?


I got the impression that you really kept cool and I am so happy that when he wanted a separation, you demanded a divorce. You are a strong woman, and you are much wiser than he will ever be I think. Let him and her make their own mistakes. As Sonjam said, karma is a good thing. What goes around, usually comes around, just trust that it will and don't worry if they will get what they deserve. Comfort yourself with the thought that your integrity and loyalty is no longer wasted on this poor excuse of a man.



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First.. I am truly sorry this has happened to you! Second I sure hope that you get a good attorney, (Female would be best). Dont forget that everything he ownes is half yours, including that car she is driving until a judge says otherwise. I'd put a freeze on every checking, savings, retirement, ect. He sure didnt play nice and if left up to me he would pay the price!!!

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