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Sex Buddy & Friends With Benefits poll

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Hey guys and girls.


I was talking to some of my friends and we had a debate on weither a Sex Buddy or Friends with benefits is healthy or not. And weither it can honestly stay at that stage?


Personaly even though I'm at a young age I think it can help just fine, I recently engaged myself in one of these and it's great so far. But, everytime she gets a little more involved lol so.


So whats your Opinion?? Is it healthy or okay and do you think it can stay in a just friends with benifits stage or no.

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I suggest that all women abstain from engaging in sexually beneficial relationships. Why? Simply for the fact that women if not all are emotional creatures who lose all sense of logic once they subject themselves to men intimately. They (the women) become clingy and needy and this is a big turn off for men especially those men who never intented any commitment or exclusivity with the women they are sleeping with.


I know because every one of my girlfriends who entered into the FWB type of relationships end up getting a broken heart because the men they give themselves to want nothing more than just to sleep with them.

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I suggest that all women abstain from engaging in sexually beneficial relationships. Why? Simply for the fact that women if not all are emotional creatures who lose all sense of logic once they subject themselves to men intimately. They (the women) become clingy and needy and this is a big turn off for men especially those men who never intented any commitment or exclusivity with the women they are sleeping with.


I know because every one of my girlfriends who entered into the FWB type of relationships end up getting a broken heart because the men they give themselves to want nothing more than just to sleep with them.


I don't agree with generalizations like these. Not all women get clingy in this situation, nor do all men keep emotions out of it. I DO believe however that women tend to mix romance and sex more quickly than men tend to do. I believe FWB can work as long as both partners have no true romantic interest in each other.


There are still difficulties though. From my experience, if one of the FWB partners develops an interest in someone else, the other one might get jealous and the friendship might be at risk there.


As for STI's, I think everyone should ALWAYS use condoms very carefully until BOTH partners have been tested for all STI's. That holds for FWB and for partners who start a new relationship.

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I think it works in very limited circumstances because typically one of the persons involved - and this is usually the woman - either hopes for more from the arrangement or ends up wanting more. Often that person is not honest with him/herself.


I agree that it would be rare for someone who would engage in pals with benefits (because often the term "friends" is a misnomer- thrown in so the two can rationalize it's not just a convenient way to have sex with someone who is not a complete stranger) to only have one such partner over a long period of time. It's not consistent with the mindset of comfort with sharing one's body intimately with someone who doesn't want a relationship.


I have never done it/never would - I have no desire for casual sex and I know that I get emotionally attached through sex and only enjoy it with someone where there is mutual emotional attachment and a strong potential for marriage.

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I have had only one FWB and it was something that I did enjoy for awhile until I ended up having feelings for the person and they were not returned.You have to learn to detach your feelings if at all possible.

For me in my particular situation I was very close friends with the other person and feelings for me developed rather quickly.

From what I have observed with other people and some of my friends at least one person usually ends up with feelings.For me I just ended up with another broken heart.Would I do it again? No.

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I find that FWB really only works with people you were in a past relationship with and you have both entirely moved on from and don't hold any romantic feelings toward one another. Just two people coming together and becoming FWB from nothing can be very confusing. Likewise, you can't go from a relationship straight to just FWB.


Even with that taken into account... it's still tough and, often, more trouble than it's worth.


In my experience, emotional attachment is not related to gender at all. It is just as often the female that isn't emotioanlly attached and the guy wanting more as it is the other way aorund. Hence, why it is often more trouble than it's worth... Because, if there are *any* feelings at all, when one of the two start seeing someone else exclusively, that is a sure way to spell "Awkward".

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From what it seem's like, most women agree it its impossible and that most of the girls get hurt at the end from the FWB relationships. And for males its more okay, but i agree NJRon that most of the time its with someone you were once comfortable having sex with. Its true and i think anyone to deny it is someone, blind? That girls for the most part are more clingy and attached emotionaly to a partner or someone they are having a sexual relationship with. So, to find a true FWB is a hard deal with not having to plan for future problems or conflicts with that FWB.

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i a little more old fashioned and i believe sex should be with someone you truly love. i dont like the thought of sleeping around or sex buddies.


i used to think that the idea of a sex buddy was a great idea, but once i had the chance with my one lady friend, i realized i didnt want that for me and i didnt do it. im so thankful i saved it for my current girlfriend who love dearly.

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