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I have been dating a guy for at least a month already and everytime he sees me or he talks to me on the phone. He never says/calls my name. He always says 'hey'. Even when he tries to introduce me to his friends I have to do the introduction myself. It sometimes sounds as if he doesn't even know how to pronouce my name. Is that a problem if a guy never calls his girlfriend's name? How would you feel if that were to happen to you? The only thing when he sends me email or msn me he writes my name but other then that I have never heard him call my name. I wonder if you love someone would you always like to call that person's name? Well, I usually calls his name when I talk to him but he never does.

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you know what?


I did this to a guy for ages!!! I felt so stupid about it because he had a really strange, old fashioned name.


It was very silly of me... but this is how it was.


he has this strange old-fashioned name... you would die laughing if you heard it.


When I first met him he told me his name...but when I met all his friends / family they had this other nickname that they used on him ( which sounded NOTHING like his name).. however he never introduced himself with that nickname.. I never knew, "Was I supposed to take it uponmyself to call him by this nickname.. or is it specially reserved for close friends who have known him for 20 years and his family


So, I would say "hey there".... "hey you" and I hated introducing him to people..


I must have looked like such a jerk, and I'm sure he noticed..


this is probably nothing to do withyour situation...

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are you sure he knows your name????


edit: nevermind, he knows it! LOL


I remember I met a guy at a bar once, i wasn't interested but he kept trying to talk to me. he asked me for my name, and then bothered me for another 20 minutes, then asked for my number, and I gave it to him. I was hoping he would go away, and then I just asked him if he knew what my name was. He looked at me like, " I said, "do you remember my name?" He said "no."


he never called.

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are you sure he knows your name????


edit: nevermind, he knows it! LOL


I remember I met a guy at a bar once, i wasn't interested but he kept trying to talk to me. he asked me for my name, and then bothered me for another 20 minutes, then asked for my number, and I gave it to him. I was hoping he would go away, and then I just asked him if he knew what my name was. He looked at me like, "" I said, "do you remember my name?" He said "no."


he never called.



ok.. did you ask if he had memory problems or something? or was he a law student? hard disk full - can't add more information?

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I always call my guy by his name. However, when dating another guy in the past, I made a statement and ended it with his name. He said it sounded stern. I thought I was being sweet.


I think some people don't view saying names as an extra sweet touch or necessary.


Also, as far as introductions go. My bf is the worst. I'm not so good either. Usually, when we meet each others friends, etc. we're in a hurry or it's loud and crowded. We usually talk to them briefly without taking the time for introductions. I know it sounds weird. And it feels weird. But I think a little less weird than the introduction mode. (Note: We're both kinda shy)

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hmm... When girls use the guys name in conversation is it meant to be a "sign" of interest??


Oh, if you name is hard to pronounce (i.e. not Daisy), I could see that. I have a friend who has a french name, and, I can hardly pronounce it!! So, I usually don't say it to her when I see her in person or talk to her on the phone/msn... haha...

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well he had asked it... and he was supposedly interested, and he was able to forget the name of a potential date in.. 20 mins...... that takes some serious brain problems. Maybe he just didn't realize he had forgotten your name until you brought the topic up would have been nice to see his face when he would have been selecting the number and going like "ok.. now let's call.. let's call... call... this... this.... girl..... "

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