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That didn't take long...


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So I posted a while ago about me and my partner wanting to have children. I got alot of disapproval etc but we decided to wait a while anyways. In august, when we decided to go off birth control, I got pregnant RIGHT away! It was so silly because my pregnancy tests kept coming up negative even though I was pregnant. But I wasnt getting my period. The doctor said it was probably due to my extensive past with different types of birth control and that I would have to wait until I got my period before I knew I would be ovulating. So I am sitting there being all depressed that I am not ovulating, when I am actually pregnant! I am 9 wks now woot woot! I have my first ultrasound in a couple weeks so I will keep you all posted.


We haven't told our families yet just because its still early. We decided to tell them after the first trimester, which is approaching fast. Any stories or advice on how you told your families? I am sure my side, as skeptical as they like to be, will be happy for us and supportive. His side will be extatic, even though his mom is Mrs. I know a better way than you.


Thanks ((((hugs to all)))))

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Well, I've never had to deal with this, but 2 very close friends of mine just got pregnant. They were going to wait to tell everyone too. He is quite a joker, really likes to goof around, and he was so excited. They told me right away when I noticed that she dropped smoking and drinking all at once and was so adament about not having any. Then that night they told all our friends, and even announced it to the whole bar at karaoke. LOL. He then changed his answering machine on his cell to say "Dad's not here". About a week later he told his parents. Then he told his boss "my wife and I had an accident, we are going to be parents!"


Trust me, your parents will be happy - after all it will be their grandchild. On both sides. So not to worry. The rest you will sort out. Just concentrate on taking care of yourself.

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I found a university where I will eventually want to get my Ph. D that has a great distance ed program for their undergrad and masters. I am taking most of my courses though them this semester and all of them online next semester. This way I can be at home with the kid(s). I can also always take classes part time if I find its too much work or take courses that are set up to do at your own pace. I'm better at corrospondance than regualar classes because I don't have a motivation problem. So most of the time I will be at home. When they get a little older and are in school I will be finished school and be able to go to work like everyone else woot woot! My maternal doctor is really good and very supportive of my choice to stay in school when my kids are young.


As far as financial support goes my "independent backup" plan is to continue with government student loans and grants like my mother did when we were I was living at home. She is graduated now and doesn't regret a thing. Canada has a pretty good loan program for women and parents, especially going into sciences. Of course my sweetie says he will support me through the whole thing, but I always plan in case I'm on my own. He could get hit by a bus tomorrow right?


Skittles: Thats hilarious about ur friend blurting it out in a karaoke bar! I will have to tell people soon I suppose. My tummy isnt as nice and flat as it usually is! I am sure everything will be fine.


I would really like it if me and J could go to some sort of prenatal counselling. We still have some things to work on. For example, today he was nagging me AGAIN about housework. Typical thing for a young couple to fight over. It's just silly though. I ignore it now, but we really do have a lot to work on and I am not afraid to admit it. My mom is a great suppport system for that too. I am going to ask my doctor about some community recourses for counselling so we can work some of that little crap out.



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Have you looked into whether or not the distance ed programs are valuable? Getting accepted to a Masters program is tough a competitive, and the school you attend matters. If you want to get funding, you should usually have great marks from a great school. Getting into a PhD is even tougher. And the school really, really matters for that. References (from your profs) are also super important. If you do a distance ed program, will your profs know you well enough to give a kick-butt referral?


I would go to the graduate advisor at which ever school you want to eventually do your phd and ask these questions.

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I appreciate your concern, but I have really done my homework on this. For the masters programs where I am from, you would have to be applying from a really crappy unknown college for them to consider WHERE you are applying from. It all boils down to GPA. My transcript will be from a very well respected university. The MA schools I am interested in will not even acknowledge the fact that my courses were taken by distance ed. The courses are the exact same as if I were attending a regular class. One might say I've found a loophole, but alot of people are doing it these days. Thanks though,



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I appreciate your concern, but I have really done my homework on this. For the masters programs where I am from, you would have to be applying from a really crappy unknown college for them to consider WHERE you are applying from. It all boils down to GPA. My transcript will be from a very well respected university. The MA schools I am interested in will not even acknowledge the fact that my courses were taken by distance ed. The courses are the exact same as if I were attending a regular class. One might say I've found a loophole, but alot of people are doing it these days. Thanks though,




Cool. Sounds like you've got it figured out. I sincerely think you will achieve everything you want (and be a great mom!).

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