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Its been 6 weeks or so, seems like 6 yrs but you all know that for yourselves!


anyway, not heard from the ex in over a week ,then she IMed me monday night, 'had a good wkend? what did you do? who with?' - she told me what she was going on with her n stuff - fine. BUT I get the feeling she's fishing, fishing to find out if I'm seeing someone. Why bother?? why should she be bothered?? I wasnt about to give her the satisfaction of knowing I'm not so changed the subject.


Last night, she was there again, waiting on IM, convo again bout her house n stuff blah blah, then fishing again, she seemed to be trying to gauge my thoughts on other women, v strange, maybe she's just trying to find out if I've moved on to make her feel better? changed the subject again.


Well I'm slowly, v slowly moving on, can feel it somehow.


Oh one other thing, she signed off by saying 'I'm off babe!' BABE??!! now she hasn't said that in 2 months.


You guys think she's just curious to know what I'm upto, wanting to know that I'll be ok?

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all sounds way too similar. My ex, broke up with me almost exactly 2 months ago, to this day. And has been saying the SAME things as your ex, since day one of the split.


She IS fishing. She could be guilty, doing her own dirt. Or just wondering who you're talking to. Either way, don't fall for it. When she asks, make jokes about it like "Well, you're so un easy who are YOU talking to" don't straight out, give her an answer period. For whatever reason, she is playing games. Whether it be, her own guilty conscience, or just feeling insecure, dont play it.


When she calls, dont answer. Wait a few hours, a day etc. Like I said, For the past 2 months, Iv'e been playing this same game. My ex will call, if I dont answer she phones 5-6 times in a row. When I do call back, I got 20 ?'s headed my way. Play it cool. Let her know you're BUSY, let her know you gotta nother life.


Good luck.

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Nah, this type of emotional and psychological game playing is a terrible idea. Most important thing to realize is that in the end, it just doesn't work. Only leads to being strung along and wasting your time leaving you hurt more when all is said and done.


No more of trying to read between the lines and into her hidden intentions. If you want to know her true motives, ask her very upfront and direct "Do you want to get back together with me?" Then you'll have your answer.

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