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Feelings for a Friend...

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you know how it goes , well i have known this girl just over a year now and i kind of have developed feelings for her but at the time she was already in a relationship. She is on the same course that i'm doing and were now both 2nd years and the only's actually even though there are quite a few 1st years. Her relationship she had before the summer holidays fell apart and she left to go live with through the summer so i didn't get too see her. Since then i contacted every now and then via text message and since then we kinda got back too normal because there was a gap where with everything was happening in her life and she just needed time alone.


Since being back in Uni we've gone to being back too really good friends, we even spent today together including another friend of ours but we talked in the car on the way there and back and it was nice. I really do like her alot, more than a friend but i doubt that she would only see me as a friend which is fine and i accept that because i wouldn't want to destory what we have because out of my resent friendships i feel that i would be able to confide in her more than anyone else.


It's just kind of frustrating that i have these feelings for her and would like her too feel the same way but there we go, i'd rather have her as a friend than nothing at all, just felt like a little rant. I am thinking of asking her if she fancied doing something next Saturday again only as a friend much too my annoyance ](*,)


That's all i really wanted too say because i don't think that is much real advice that can be given, as im not going to do anything, i'll just have to admire her from afar and be nothing more than friends.

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Its a win win situation for you, ask her out.


If she says no , then you can say to yourself 'at least i tried', if she says yes you got a date, you never hit if you never shoot, that's why you have to take your chances, HURRY before she gets into a relationship with someone else. Also don't put up your hopes to high ,its better to expect the worst, but bring a smile along if you ask her out. Just ask if you two can go out together somewhere (movie or something)


You know you can't stay friends, you will emotionally explode if you keep things lingering as they are now. Just go for gold in your Life never wait , don't ask for it, go win it yourself, and you might win a prize, if not. There's more fish in the sea.Put your mind on zero and Just go for it, ask her out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i feel that way for a friend right now!! it's a little different but i agree with the saying that you'll explode! i try and forget about those feelings i have (mostly sexual) but they jusy linger and wont stop! anyways back to you! go for it and ask her out! if she says no then remain friends!!!!

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