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tricky situation with a girl at work


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I've liked her for quite a while now and a few weeks ago, I asked her out (probably too soon cos I hadn't established much of a friendship or anything with her). She was like'...errrm... yeah, possibly'. Then my idiot mate - against my wishes - asked her mate if I stood a chance (typical maths class stuff) to which she said probably not.


However, lately we've been getting on much better and are going out as a department next week.


Do you think I should try again or die wandering? Also, if the former how do I do it without coming accross as a desperate. I don't generally go back for a second knock back.


I can't be seen to come accross as desperate!

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What do other people reckon?


It's at the stage right now where I can't eat and sleep - I know it sounds pathetic and I need a bit of perspective as there are worse things in the world but I like the girl so much. I suppose it's because I've seen a couple of false dawns where I think I have a chance of going out with her but then it turns to dust. I just really need to explain to her that if she gave me a chance and we could go out just the two of us I'm confident she may see me differently and we could hit it off, not least as I'd feel much more confident away from the office. If she did give me this opportunity and still wasn't interested at least I'd known I could move on knowing that I'd brought a sense of closure to it.


We're having an office night out this weekend so I may get a chance to chat to her...or, if it isn't too soon, tell her how strongly I feel about her.


Any advice is, as always, much appreciated.


Thanks guys.

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What do other people reckon?

I just really need to explain to her that if she gave me a chance and we could go out just the two of us I'm confident she may see me differently and we could hit it off, not least as I'd feel much more confident away from the office. If she did give me this opportunity and still wasn't interested at least I'd known I could move on knowing that I'd brought a sense of closure to it.


or, if it isn't too soon, tell her how strongly I feel about her.



don't plead for a chance! if she doesn't want to go out with you, it's her loss. It's not your problem. You can't plead her like that, it would sound incredibly needy. And don't tell her how you feel.. it's too soon, by far too soon. You don't even have a relationship yet..


Go and have fun with her, tease her lightly etc.

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