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Just want to celebrate the fact that I have reach a small mile stone of losing 10 pounds. Maybe this doesn't mean much to some people here, but it means a lot to me. In just 6 weeks of hard work, I am now down from 209 to 199, and I want to get down to 190. It just feels really good to be doing this.

Thatz all I have to say...

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  • 2 weeks later...

As everyone else has said above losing 10lbs is a great achievement and, if you don't mind, I'm going to use what you've achieved as an incentive for me to lose weight too.


Over the past year or so I've put on just under a stone and although I've dabbled at losing the excess weight during that time I've just not managed to shift any of it at all. This is mainly due my own lack of will power over a sustained period.


Thanks to your post however I've decided that now is the time to do something about it and really make that extra effort.


Thanks for the inspiration

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Congrats on your weight loss. Ten pounds in 6 weeks sounds like a healthy rate for losing to me. I have always heard that between 1 - 2 pounds a week is healthy but no more than that in a weeks time. So yeah, 10 ten pounds in 6 weeks is good.


I am currently trying to lose some more pounds myself but I have come to a bit of a plateau and am getting a bit discouraged.


I am sure you will reach your goal and I am pulling for you.

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