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Brazillian Waxing

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Hi hi.


Okay. Three questions:

1) Who has had one?

2) How long do you have to wait post-wax before you can start having sex (including oral)?

3) Apart from pain, were there any major problems within the next 24 hours?



Because I'm going for my first one tomorrow and if it takes DAYS to heal, then I'm going to skip the appointment.


Thank You all.

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I've been having them for around 6 years.


It's just a bit red and raw, but there's no reason you can't have sex! Although excessive friction against the waxed area might be a bit uncomfortable. The only other 'complication' would be ingrowns, but the next day just loofah the area gently and make sure you moisturise.


You'll love it (and I bet your boyfriend will as well!).

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I've had it done like 3-4 times already


The complications might vary, some people's skin might be more sensitive than the others. Right after you get it done your skin is usually red and irritated and I wouldn't recommend having sex until a couple of hours later. The lady that does mine recommends putting Balmex on it afterwards to sooth the skin. I usually feel fine afterwards but if I try to shower right away it burns!! lol

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