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Why is it that guys want such young girls? Please explain this phenomena to me.

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Hopefully you guys won't be angry, I'm not trying to generalize and stereotype and yes, I do realize that not all men want really young girls.


But, in the county in the south of the U.S. where I live, it seems so prevalent. 20 year olds are always chasing after 14, 15, and 16 year olds. 18 year olds are sleeping with 13 year olds! Even guys that are like 24/25 are sleeping with 15 year olds, 16 year olds, 17 year olds... It's like they don't care. Why can't they find someone a little more age appropriate?


I've just heard so many people I know of dating girls waaaaaaay, way too young, or having done that in the past. Like guys who are already OUT of high school dating girls in the 8th or 9th grade. Why? Why not someone who's at least a senior in high school or is out of school too? Seems nothing's too young for them. I even know a 26 year old man who had sex with a 13 year old girl. She's um, a bit loose, but .... c'mon. That's no excuse for a man to have sex with someone that young! It seems these guys in this county figure, "well, doesn't matter how young the girl is... if she's already sexually active, then she's adult-like and fair game!" Or, "doesn't matter how young she is, she wants me, so it's not like it's against her will or anything.."


....Someone, please explain this.

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I even know a 26 year old man who had sex with a 13 year old girl.


That's no excuse for a man to have sex with someone that young! It seems these guys in this county figure, "well, doesn't matter how young the girl is... if she's already sexually active, then she's adult-like and fair game!" Or, "doesn't matter how young she is, she wants me, so it's not like it's against her will or anything.."



Here's my take on it, put bluntly: The people you describe, are not "men", they are perverts.


You can be grateful that they are so open and proud about the fact that they are perverts too, it lets you know that they are never someone you'd want to be with. In the case of the 26 year-old and 13 year-old, I'd call the police.




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That's messed up. I guess they just like the 'innocence' of these young girls or something. It's just sick to take advantage of girls who may not realize the consequences of getting involved with these guys and don't know that they're just being used. I bet some of those girls end up with serious issues later on when they regret what they've done.

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Yep perverts.

Cause really they aren't looking to marry them...just sleep with them.


Maybe its' To satisfy some creepy fetish of thiers...maybe a hope to take someones virginity. Maybe they can't get women there own ages. Maybe they are just preverts Who are feeding thier lust filled minds.

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I even know a 26 year old man who had sex with a 13 year old girl. She's um, a bit loose, but .... c'mon. That's no excuse for a man to have sex with someone that young!


You're right! There IS no excuse.

And this is called rape....no matter how "loose" a 13 year old is.

A 13 year old is still a BABY...and it's up to the adult, to BE AN ADULT

and leave her alone!!!!


I'm happy to say that I don't know of any "men" in there 20's having sexual relations with middle school children...

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I've found that when people date someone so much younger than them, to the point that it's a criminal act (26 year-old with a 13 year-old child) it's because they stand no real chance with someone their age. They are too immature and can't hold a conversation with a person in their own peer group.


When they are in these situations, dating minors, they feel "cool" and like they have the upper hand, because the partner involved is young, naive, inexperienced. Many times, the younger partner will be be-dazzled by the fact that they have someone "so much older" paying attention to them. This gives the pervert a confidence boost because it makes them feel worshipped or important (for a change).




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Yep DN...specifically a teacher here in Florida, accused of havng sex with a 14 year old student. The funny thing is....the teacher in question is a VERY attractive woman...and was not given jail time. EVERY man I have talked to about the case has said they wish THEY were her student....and saw NOTHING wrong with what she did. I think it's disgusting..and YES, wrong.

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I think BellaDonna and AntiLoveSuperstar have it right. But, I still can't comprehend... why these men here where I live... can actually be aroused by kids that young...


Urgh, DN, I am reading that article right now. You're right of course, double standards. I meant no harm by it though, I was merely sitting around thinking about stuff like that involving men and young girls going on in the county I live, and thus posted. I didn't mean to say women can't do the same thing though, it's true that they can. And it's horrifying and disgusting, and it really, literally makes me sick.

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I've seen that among poor, backward people and I suspect if the man's social skillls or standing are in the gutter, he'll use what paltry influence he has to talk anyone into bed, even an impressionable child.

Maybe it's easier if he has no self-respect. It's sick.

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You're right! There IS no excuse.

And this is called rape....no matter how "loose" a 13 year old is.

A 13 year old is still a BABY...and it's up to the adult, to BE AN ADULT

and leave her alone!!!!


I'm happy to say that I don't know of any "men" in there 20's having sexual relations with middle school children...


And I really don't understand why these men don't feel that these girls are BABIES, as you said (and yes, yes they most certainly are!) They look at developing bodies and think, "hmmm. Looks goood. Hmmmm, I want some." It sickens me.


(Again, I'm talking about the majority of guys in this county that I live in, not all men, so hopefully I'm not offending anyone.)

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Yep DN...specifically a teacher here in Florida, accused of havng sex with a 14 year old student. The funny thing is....the teacher in question is a VERY attractive woman...and was not given jail time. EVERY man I have talked to about the case has said they wish THEY were her student....and saw NOTHING wrong with what she did. I think it's disgusting..and YES, wrong.


Definitely. It's sickening! A friend of mine (21) has been having sex with a 16 year old boy (one who turned 16 in June)... and needless to say, we don't hang out anymore. I can't.

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"Christina Gallagher, 26: Jersey City, N.J., woman ordered to pay more than $1,000 in fines, sentenced to a lifetime registration as a convicted sex offender and ordered to attend therapy for having sex with a 17-year-old student."


That is sickening. But you know what? Here, it's perfectly okay for a 26 year old man to have sex with a 17 year old girl! No one says a thing about it!

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Again, I'm talking about the majority of guys in this county that I live in, not all men, so hopefully I'm not offending anyone.)


If you feel statuatory rape has reached epidemic proportions in your area, perhaps one thing you could do is see what kind of agencies/support groups in your area offer help to rape victims. Maybe they can do some research on this, and something can be done to raise awareness about this sort of thing. Flyers, brochures, public service announcements etc.




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The "girls" or children these predators are victimizing obviously have no close parental supervision either. Many times this is an indication of an absent father...OR perhaps sexual abuse happening in the home. Often times girls who engage in sex at such young ages have never been taught boundaries or what is not acceptable. Thus her being promiscuous. I truly feel bad for these girls because it usually leads to early pregnancy, prostitution drugs..etc...and it's really not their fault. they just don;t know any other way.

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I've seen that among poor, backward people and I suspect if the man's social skillls or standing are in the gutter, he'll use what paltry influence he has to talk anyone into bed, even an impressionable child.

Maybe it's easier if he has no self-respect. It's sick.


Heh, are you using the choice words "poor and backward" cause I live in the south? I wouldn't exactly say that, here. The guys who are doing these things aren't the hillbillies you would expect. But I agree with the rest of your post.

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