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im gona die who da hell will notice

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Hey everyone,


I'll be totally honest in this post. I am 14 years old and my life sucks big time! I am not very good in anything, absolutely nothing. I feel like the looser in my family. I look like a lampost, because I am tall and skinny as a wig. I can't find a g/f and all my mates thing of me as being perverted who as kiddie porn on my PC. That's my mates downloading, though and they make me look like I've done it. I know that a lot will say: "You will have to get better friends". I have some news for you. I don't have friends and noone like me at school. I feel very thick. The one thing that I am good at; well I wouldn't even call it good, but it's computing.


Well that's about it all. All I can say for myself is: "boohoo, I'm gonna die who will notice"

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You're only fourteen so to begin with, its gonna get better. And you're right, your friends really aren't worth your time but I understand the feeling that they're all you have. The thing is that when you least expect it, you'll have an opportunity to change things around, just don't pass it up. Maybe a new kid'll show up in your school. I've been the new kid and it's lonely, try and help him out. Until then, hang in there, its tough but totally worth it.


[---edit by SwingFox from later post ---]

Ok about that you're tall and skinny dont worry about that, it's normal for teenagers. Soon you'll say "damn Im so fat."

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Don't put yourself down because you are worth far more than what you think. I honestly think it is better to have a tall skinny boyfriend than some short heavy one. Just go to the gym and work on your body. Work hard in school so when you're older and more successful than those who don't like you, you can just laugh at them and be happy at what you have accomplished. You're only fourteen and deserve to be treated a lot better than how you are. Just try to enjoy life (I know sometimes it is hard) and who cares what others think of you... the only thing that matters is how you think of yourself. My best guy friend has the same outlook on life as you and it hurts me so much to hear him talk about wanting to die, but the fact that i care helps him cope with his situation. Just know that someone cares about you so don't ever do anything to hurt yourself.

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Adolescence can be a tough time for anyone. I think it may be especially hard for boys, as they don't normally mature as quick as girls do. Some boys hit puberty earlier than their friends do, so they feel a bit out of place. I don't know if this is an issue in your case, but you're too young to be feeling this way. As for your body, don't worry about it. You're sure to "grow" into it, so to speak. As for your friends spreading rumours about porn, what do you need with them? They obviously aren't real friends if they do such things. Just open up, be yourself, have some pride, and others who are worth your while will take notice.

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First off... don't let your friends on your computer again. Lock it down with some passwords or something. You're big into computers so that should be no problem.

You're probably better at things than you think you are. I used to think the only thing I could do was develop software (and believe me, I couldn't... I've had over 70 errors in compiling 1 page of code before)... eventually by 16 I became serious about music and now I'm a professional musician. The whole story has a lot more irony to it, but all I mean is that you haven't explored your options yet.

Whenever you think about not having a girlfriend, you're right, that's hard. To be honest, I don't either, and I didn't when I was 14.... actually I never have. Just let it be known that you're looking for a relationship and if you find someone, that's one step away from what's going down now.

Also, you sound a bit depressed. By 14 you can have a substantial chemical imbalance to create major depression, but that's easy to treat with medicine, just don't wait until it develops into a personality disorder or anything. Your parents or any other caring adult in whom you trust should be able to help you decide what to do or whether or not you need professional help.

And above all, if you're thinking about taking your life, don't keep that a secret from those who love you.

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  • 1 month later...

i will notice, please don't kill yourself, im actually crying reading this

anyways, my names Amy, (15) lol me a youngen too

i can agree with u in 1 way, from bout 13 onwards, i hated it i couldnt stand people, they were like, the most iritating things in existsnce.

but nows, 'tis much better i got skewl, 1 friend (Suzanne), shes all i need, i really love her.

things will get better, and if they dont in ONE year from now, come n c me

oh and speaking of PCs, u ever played Jedi Knight 2 (lol i know 3 is out now) but like its the funniest game its like.....differant to any game ive ever seen, like a chatroom with action

the part i like most, is the console commands u can use their brilliant LMAO, u gotta give it a go lots of skins and maps


(as with the porn, password on boot, clear cache, use XP (exelent security for net )

hope i hear (or read) from u soon

baiii 4 now



add me msn if u want to email removed

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