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I have a date tonight

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that's the spirit! believe those words you wrote.


whatever you think about this breakup will be your reality; whatever you tell yourself, you will believe. hence the reason most have such low self-esteem after a breakup: they tell themselves they're not good enough for their exes. but if you have a positive attitude, you can't go wrong.


keep it up!

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sorry it didn't go as well as you'd hoped...i dated a little about 1 1/2-2 months after the breakup and it didn't feel right. it made me miss my ex more, too. it's very normal...even though i was kind of excited about the dates beforehand, they ultimately didn't go that well and even during the dates i got really sad, missed him, etc.


like you said, as much as you wanted to start dating, you might need some time off. nothing wrong with that.

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Only you will know when you are ready. At least you found out your emotional state - I'm sure it was all worth the effort of going out. For me, I really know I won't be ready for a looooooonng time, nor do I want/need it right now. I am focusing on my daughter, house, work, etc. Relationships go way down the bottom of my list. Funny because way back, I was always longing for one, after the other, after the other.

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Relationships go way down the bottom of my list. Funny because way back, I was always longing for one, after the other, after the other.


you're really strong to not want to hop into another relationship. even though i am still sad about my ex, i think most of my depression is about not being okay on my own, so i still have this impulse to find another man to make me happy. but i don't want to end up like this after another relationship, so i'm doing my best to get happy on my own.


it's a terrible thing when you realize, after a breakup, that all the times you thought you were happy were really because your relationship had acted as a band-aid for all your troubles.

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