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He shut me out after 3 years.

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I was dating/friends with this guy for 3 years on/off/ He called me every week, we spoke for hours, spent so much time together. I met his family, he met mine, etc.


So suddenly I called him and said lets get together, so he says oh sure, im with this girl Sarah I met recently, shes so cool, etc Do you want to hang out with us. I was taken aback and said no. Then I called him and invited him to my friends show, he said sorry cant make it. I called him again and he said "oh Sarahs here and were cooking, do want to say hi to her"?


So obviously i was being pushed away. I know exaclty what he was doing- getting rid of me..I stopped calling. Sent an email, he wrote back being friendly but a little cold, i wrote back and have not heard back from him since.


I just find it strange that he wants absolutly no contact with me at all. We were close for 3 years. I have a hard time understanding it. No explanation- nothing. Just shut me out..I dont really want to contact him again, i tried and hes not responding. I dont understand it.

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I can bet that if his relationship with Sarah doesn't go anywhere, he will end up getting in touch with you again. He is not behaving very nicely. You two dated. Did you have a sexual relationship as well. Perhaps with the new woman in the picture he is trying to distance himself from other women he had a relationship with. He could at least give you an explanation. I hate when people treat others as if they are disposable.

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Well I was feeling that I wanted to have a relationship with him and I was going to ask him but thats when he said this girl sarah was there.

We werent friends with benefits.

I was busy with college and he was busy with work, he wanted to have something "more" but i was confused .... I dont know i wish he would talk to me but i dont want to make a fool of myself and call him again.

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hm... I think we still need more details on your relationship status for those 3 years....


Is it possible he got tired of waiting for you to figure out if you want him or not, so he met sarah and wants to give things a go with her? he could be spending less time on you now, because he has a new love interest, and wants to make things work with her? one thing that many people do when they have a new bf/gf is to kind of drop some friends of the opposite sex by the wayside.... partially because they are more busy, and partially because they don't want to upset their new love or make them jealous.

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Well when I met him I did have a boyfriend, i told him that. it was a bad relationship.

But I broke up with the boyfriend... This guy used to tell me things like Im too pretty for him or I want someone with money. He never asked me out offcially and also I have a friend who introduced us who was jealous that he liked me. She caused some problems...

I just wish he actually told me how he felt.

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