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Good Ole Fashion Soap Opera...


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Very long story short:


My boyfriend of 11months and I have separated. I initiated the break-up because I have been going through h*ll mentally in our relationship. It always hasn't been that way up until the past 3 months. He is somewhat over protective and has a jelousy issue. Sometimes I feel as though he is so worried about other guys "taking me", that it could mean less if I was there to be took? However, he is bound and determined that we will get back together. Which I wouldn't mind if things were to change drastically.


However, there is another guy in which I am starting to like. He is my manager's son. "M" (managers son) told me he had feelings for me and had never told me because I was dating my ex. I too have recently begun to like him. I spoke to my ex about this and told M as well.


My ex is heartbroken and I as well. However, it seems as though all he cares about and talks about is how "M" is the $#@* who "took me". Is it wrong for me to love my ex and want to date a few people for a while? (Things are too serious, he is talking about marriage and I am only 18 and he is 17) I know that someday I would like to have a realtionship with him again. But in my own time and only if things were to change. Is there anything wrong with me seeing other guys and he and I talking (restart our friendship before we enter into another relationship)?

*Sigh* Thanks

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At least you were honest about it. A lot of people would of just went with it already.


You were probably showing some signs in the past few months that made your boyfriend uncomfortable, thereforeeee being overprotective and jealous. You can love someone and date someone else. There are no laws saying that you can't love more then one person at a time.



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It is very difficult to date other people when you still love someone else. If you truly want to get back together with your ex, then do so. Know that only time can tell if he will change. He has to want to do it himself. Otherwise, it is best to take time to get yourself together so you don't frag that baggage into a new relationship.


You can only decide based upon your current knowledge of your ex. And, it doesn't sound like he is changing much. Do you truly see a future with your ex as he is now, or as how you imagine him possibly becoming if her were so inclined to become what you want him to be?

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