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I have just been wondering "Why should people get married?".

I have been trying to think of logical reasons, independent of social conventions (i.e. no answers like "Because people expect you to" or "Because I feel I should".)

I mean, what does marriage get you? The best I could come up with was that it would provide a more stable enironment for children.

This seems a very pertinent question, because, if I can understand why people should marry, I can better know what to look for in a potential spouse.


Thanks for imput!

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The only reason to marry is if you want to.

You don't need to marry to have a spouse.

Parents are legally and emotionally bound to chidren, marriage or not.

Marriage is a legal merger of assets, and a social convention.

You don't need to marry at all. Many couples spend their lives together unmarried.


If you love someone and they want marriage as a condition of staying with you, that's a possible reason.

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"Why should people get married?"


Only get married if you want to. If you don't, don't.


Where I am, common law partners have exactly the same status as married partners. So the only reason to get married is to publicly celebrate and proclaim before friends and family your love for each other.


I'm sure others may have religious reasons to get married too it depends which way you are inclined.


Otherwise it is a great excuse for a bit of a shindig.

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I think that marriage is a way to bond us together even more strongly than our personal commitments to each other. It is a legal bond, you also become one family that shares a family name, you legally share your finances. I guess for me, it is you create one family.


At the same time, I see nothing wrong with not getting married. For me I love the feeling of family it creates though and I know I didn't have the same feeling of togetherness prior to getting married.

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I have just been wondering "Why should people get married?"


1) Because they want to give someone a loaded gun to put to their head for the rest of their lives

2) Because they are tired of having a good life and want to get into some serious agony

3) To see how much angst one can possibly live with


Admittedly, I am a bit biased

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Because self mutilation is too obvious.

Because then we can blame others for our failures.

Because we really do want to be like our totally screwed up parents after all cause it's comfy.

Because we want to own somebody else.....and they want to own you.

So you can never, ever, ever be with anyone else EVER again, no matter how boring, mean, ugly, nasty the other person gets.

Because we are afraid.

Because we want to believe lies and fairy tales.

Because we didn't get enough abuse in our childhood to convince us that marriage is a huge crock.

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Because self mutilation is too obvious.

Because then we can blame others for our failures.

Because we really do want to be like our totally screwed up parents after all cause it's comfy.

Because we want to own somebody else.....and they want to own you.

So you can never, ever, ever be with anyone else EVER again, no matter how boring, mean, ugly, nasty the other person gets.

Because we are afraid.

Because we want to believe lies and fairy tales.

Because we didn't get enough abuse in our childhood to convince us that marriage is a huge crock.



"10". That was beautiful, mynatasha

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