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i want to get pregnet but im only 15 almost 16 i want a baby so bad i want someone to love me and someone i can love back i want someone i can take care of and love with my heart and soul i want to have a baby i have even prayed to god im haven to have some one rape me or something i want a baby so bad. i have even been doing things to try to get some one to rape me so i could have a chanse of geting pregnet but know one yet will do that to me that i have found. i know its bad to want a baby this really in life but i want to feel wanted in the world and i feel that a baby is the only thing that will give me that. i dont know what to do no one here were i live is like that there all mally morements and its not far i want to be raped everyone of my friends have in the past by a family mebber but no one will rape me here but i have know other idea of how to get peragnet besid haveing sex and know one will do me i know is kinda weird but is true, im scarred that if i dont feel wanted here i will kill myself and i dont want that but i dont know what to do. i have also thoght about going to a sparm donter place to see if that works but i dont know how old i have to be to go there pluse knowing my like my parent would have to sin something or a nother to get it there and i dont know what to do im going crazy i want a baby i want a in my life and my gf would not mine me geting peragnet ether she already sayed she would help me out with the kid. she has even been trying to get someone to but its not working out, i dont know what to do.

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Hi there,

Hun what is going on at home? Are your parents around?


Ya know a baby is only going to add to your already lonely, stressful life. They require so much time, attention and money. I'd hate to see you spend the next 18 years feeling just as bad as you do now and with the added responsibility of caring for someone else. Sure our kids love us, but they need so much that they leave us exhausted.


Talk to someone, a school counselor, a relative, someone who can give you some good advice. Having a baby is not going to solve the loneliness girl. Really it's not.


We are here for you too . Let us know what's going on girl.



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Oh my I don't even know where to start with this.


First off honey you are too young right now. You have so much living ahead of you and a baby will not allow for you to do that. Also wanting someone to rape you so that you become pregnant is not a healthy way to think.


Raising a child is very very hard. It is not just what you see in the movies. There is stress, anxiety, sleepless days and nights, illness, feedings. It is not easy. Its not easy especially when you are so young and don't have the proper support, health insurance, or stability.


Having a baby will not make you a whole person. You need to love you and make yourself whole. Grow and enjoy your life right now. Finish school, go to college, have a career. Then when you feel you have that stability think of having a child.


This is not the right thinking to bring a child into the world.

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I think that you need to realize that a baby cant love you back, a baby doesnt know anything but how to eat, sleep and go to the bathroom. If you are really seeking to be loved by something or someone then you need to begin to love yourself. Start with that and hopefully the desire to have a child at this age will subside. I would also suggest that you talk to someone who is an adult about this that you can trust.

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Hi Lil Baby,


i would personally like to address your wish to be raped. Don't ever wish

that for youself - it's a painful experience for those who have been.


About the baby- i think you are searching for someone or something to love and need you unconditionally....having a baby is not going to make that feeling go away.


At your young age, i would hate to see you make a mistake that you can't take back.


Maybe you should get a puppy.

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Hi there. You have a long life ahead of you to have a baby. It's good that you know that you'd want to be a parent. But now is just too soon.


Don't count on feeling "loved" by a baby. Yes, they love you because they need you- but they take more than they give. I don't mean that in a bad or negative way, but it is truly all they are capable of at that tiny age. Example: When they are awake at 4am crying you will not be thinking about "love". You need to be mature and stable before you can take on that kind of responsibility.


Having a child is about a lot more than love. It's also about responsibility and major sacrifices.


The fact that you think you want to be "raped" is very upsetting and tells me that you are definitely not ready to be a parent any time in the near future. You could be killed or contract a disease from rape, and then there are the huge emotional scars it leaves. Do you realize that? A child should be conceived in LOVE, not in a violent crime.


You need to learn to love yourself before you can love a child. A baby is not going to solve your problems.


If you feel this way, you need to talk to a trusted adult about it.


As the others have asked: What do your parents think about this? How is your relationship with them?



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First of all I think you need to focus on school, it's apparent by trying to read that!


Second....I have never heard of anyone wanting/trying to get raped! Are you serious? Do you know the devastation that comes from that?


Third...I had my son at 15. The child deserves more. At 15 you are still a child yourself, you have no idea what it takes to raise a child, go to school and have a job. My son was denied so many things in life. A father, a mature mother, a home of our own, a damn family life!


You have no idea what you are saying. Please try to think of the child here and not want you want if for no other reason.

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my parents dont know i want to get peragnet. i hate my parents with everyting i have. they plued me out of school and will not let me go back to school. thanks to my parents i droped out of school half way thour 9th gread. yes i love my gf and yes she loves me but right now we can not be togeother because we live so fair away from eachother plus my parents hate her. i know how to take care of a kid i rased my lil sister sent she was born i know how to take care of them. ya i know rape is not that best way to get peragnet but is the only way i know how because all the other ways i can think of dont work i cant even get a bf.i have not adult around me i can talk to, i have no adult around me that i trust. the adults around me i would not tell them anything.

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Where are you located?


i have not adult around me i can talk to, i have no adult around me that i trust. the adults around me i would not tell them anything.


If there is no one there that you feel compfortable talking to, keep posting here and maybe try calling a teen crisis hotline, where you can get help. It sound like you are very depressed and you mentioned suicidal thoughts. You should call a hotline.


If you live in the U.S., try this one:


link removed


Here's another site with information about international hotlines: link removed


Sometimes it just helps to have someone to talk to. It sounds like you need that right now.




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the thing is is if my parents fine out i called a hope line or went to a hopeline web i will be in so much trouble and the phone and intornet will be takin away from me. my parents are sappst to be homseschooling me but there not im allways learning thing from my gf the thing is is i dont wnat a bf i love my Gf i love her. i dont want anyone else. the reasin i want a kid is so i dont have to be lonly anymore and i can give someone my love and i will have a life and maybe my parents will kick me out of the house if i have a kid on the way that way i can live with my GF.

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no they dont lock me up in my room they just lock me in the house 24/7. the only time i can go out sid is to get my lil sister and lil brother off the bus. my gf has a hopeline number that she is going to give me tomorrow if she can fine it because they help her out. i just hope i can talk to them. i will try those hopeline u gave me BellaDonna thanks.

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I'm nether one I'm bisexual but I'm more of a lesbian then i am bisexual.

Contradicting, to say the least. I see my points are lost on you. Just as I figured. Believe it or not, I was very close to someone in a similar situation. I almost married her If you are serious about my advice, then PM me. I'm taking it off of this thread because you are not going to take it seriously.


Good luck.

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There is not much advice that I can offer that has not already been said. I urge you to think about the replies you have been given. You are much to young to bring a baby into this world under the circumstances you have described. There is so much you need to do with your life before bringing a child into your life. Listen to what everyone is saying to you and check out those helplines.

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i have even been doing things to try to get some one to rape me so i could have a chanse of geting pregnet but know one yet will do that to me that i have found.


I wouldn't wish rape upon my worst enemy. It happened to me when i was 14, I'm 19 now, and it had the biggest impact on my life over everything else that has happened. Trust me, you may feel that's the only way but, jesus, you couldn't imagine the reprocussions. And as for a baby? You're still a kid yourself. How do you expect to raise a child on your own? How would you pay for it? A part-time after-school job won't cut it. Not even close. You say you want someone to love you? Where are your friends in all of this? Friends can be, in the absense of your family, the most important people in your life in terms of making you feel loved. What about getting a pet? My cats and dog can sense when I'm upset and, weird as it sounds, it makes me feel better to know there's SOMETHING there that depends on me. But believe me and everyone else who's posted on this: Having a baby right now would be one of the worst decisions you could make. Right up there with trying to get yourself raped. Another thing to think about: Your friends and family would be absolutely devastated if either of these things happened. Don't be selfish.

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the thing is is if my parents fine out i called a hope line or went to a hopeline web i will be in so much trouble and the phone and intornet will be takin away from me. my parents are sappst to be homseschooling me but there not im allways learning thing from my gf the thing is is i dont wnat a bf i love my Gf i love her. i dont want anyone else. the reasin i want a kid is so i dont have to be lonly anymore and i can give someone my love and i will have a life and maybe my parents will kick me out of the house if i have a kid on the way that way i can live with my GF.


Whatever you do, don't bring a child into this world to get back at your parents. You'll only wind up with hatred toward the baby later on.

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