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what do i do?


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i was walking home from the pub at about half9 lastnight when i got attacked. a girl grabbed me by the throat and punched me in the face 3 or 4 times. she was after money but i didnt have any.

the thing is i know the girl who did it. she was in my year at school and she lives round the corner from my house, do you think i should press charges?

if she didnt recognise me she will if it goes to court. the police told me that they could arrest her but she would get bail so if she did recognise me i think she is the type of girl to come back and get me. i dont know what to do i dont want her to get away with it but i dont want another beating.

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Okay, press charges and go nowhere alone.


If you know where she lives, who she is etc do you have someone that could 'lean' on her, like an older brother, father or male friend?


Just someone to say, if you touch her, I know where you live and I will destroy you and everyone you know and love.


That's how i'd play it. If she touches you after you've pressed charges then believe me, she's going to prison.

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my dad is not around and ive only got sisters so thats not an option i do have a boyfriend but he is in the army and wont be home for another 2weeks.

not going anywhere alone is not really an option either my mum starts work at 7 and i start at 10 and dont drive, i cant give up work

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Don't you have a friend's boyfriend or male friend that can do it? Cousin? Work colleague? Uncle?


If I knew you i'd take you to the police station then knock on this womans door and tell her if she comes near you i'd break her legs.


That's all you need, it will work.


You must press charges.


my dad is not around and ive only got sisters so thats not an option i do have a boyfriend but he is in the army and wont be home for another 2weeks.

not going anywhere alone is not really an option either my mum starts work at 7 and i start at 10 and dont drive, i cant give up work

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i think you MUST press charges. you are not the first person she has done this to and you won't be the last! and if she just lives a block away from you, chances are, she might even do this to you again!!!


if you don't, she'll just keep doing this to everyone. I think you should press charges before she does it again.

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i went ahead and did it. whilst i was making my statement someone was out looking for her. the thing is she hasnt got previous so she is likely to only get a caution. the reason i went through with it was because if i ddnt and she did it again and they pressed charges she'd get her caution then where as now she'll have her caution and get a worse punishment the next time. im pretty sure there will be a next time.

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