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emails to ex girlfriends


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Well, I recently caught my Husband sending provocative email messages over myspace, His ex was letting him know she was moving to a new address & he was saying back to her, whatever you've just found someone who's in love with your hot vagina!........WELL, I dunno what to say or how to react to this, my husband is a pretty forward guy & I have noticed they do tend to talk dirty to eachother sometimes over email, I've questioned him before about them sending provocative texts, that stopped, he felt bad, but now they are doing it here, where I can't get to see. I'm trying to stay calm about this, please help me.

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Hmmmm, that is definitely not good ginger,


Did you log into his myspace account to do this,


Or did you read this as a comment on his profile?,


I would definitely talk to him about it,


That's completely inappropriate behavior on his part,


You are married, he needs to respect you,


And this is really not fair to you in any capacity,


I would seek marriage counseling too,


Because little things like this can really damage your marriage,


And you want him to stop and be able to move on from it,





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Well, I recently caught my Husband sending provocative email messages over myspace, His ex was letting him know she was moving to a new address & he was saying back to her, whatever you've just found someone who's in love with your hot vagina!........WELL, I dunno what to say or how to react to this, my husband is a pretty forward guy & I have noticed they do tend to talk dirty to eachother sometimes over email, I've questioned him before about them sending provocative texts, that stopped, he felt bad, but now they are doing it here, where I can't get to see. I'm trying to stay calm about this, please help me.


I would be mad. You've already told him to stop and now he's at it again. If you don't have children, I would consider a separation, until and if he decides he wants to behave himself.

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Yeah I logged into his account & read this, they have been friends & sexual partners off & on for 10 years. I can't say anything to him about cause he'll know i've logged into his account, I should never have done it. I'm just so suspicious of what he's saying to his ex's. She called him 1 month ago after she found out we got married & asked him if he would divorce me & marry her. He was furious at this, I kno he isn't interested in her, he's just a terrible flirt over email & txt with her....awh man, it makes me sick to my stomache.

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Well, I hate to be the advocate of testing someone,


But he is being a disrespectful husband to you,


How about creating a myspace account,


One that is completely unlike yours,


And contact him, and see how he responds,


I am really hesitant about his faithfulness to you,


This is really suspicious in my opinion.


I don't want to put spiderwebs in your head,


But this just doesn't sound good.



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Yeah I logged into his account & read this, they have been friends & sexual partners off & on for 10 years. I can't say anything to him about cause he'll know i've logged into his account, I should never have done it. I'm just so suspicious of what he's saying to his ex's. She called him 1 month ago after she found out we got married & asked him if he would divorce me & marry her. He was furious at this, I kno he isn't interested in her, he's just a terrible flirt over email & txt with her....awh man, it makes me sick to my stomache.


He was "furious" at her? I doubt it. He asks for it. He's enjoying it.

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i dont suggest what rose2summer had suggested because that is low and underhanded and will make you the flirtter. When i am flirtted with it is natural for me to flirt back. it's just a natural reaction. if you havent made the fake myspace page already dont do it because it will backfire on you and possibly hurt your marriage. they were past sex partners and as long as they stay past sex partners i dont see why you have anything to worry about. plus the flirting seemed kind of weak to me. HOT VAGINA? what the f*** is that? its just weak, as long as you put him to sleep every now and then i dont feel you have anything to worry about.

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Yeah your all right, but what do I do?....I can't confess to reading his emails. I asked him if he was making a fool of me by being provocative with his ex's over email, he said no......i'm stuck, what do I do, how do I deal with this rubbish?


I told him from the start that he must be giving his ex the wrong vibes otherwise she would never have called him to ask if he would divorce me & marry her.


He's known her for 10 years, she expected to marry him but he doesn't see her as "wife" material. That's why he didn't marry her along with other reasons.......why is he doing this?


Please help me, I'm so far from home & I can't stop crying, I have no-one to help me.

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heh... If that were MY husband I would tell him I read the emails.. and exactly what I read.


But thats just me, not saying thats the best thing to do!


I think he should break all contact with the ex. He is a married man now and this person obviously is not over him yet, and him over her...


The types of things he is emailing her is not right. I would be so hurt and frustrated and would feel betrayed. How long have you been married? How long together before that? I guess Id like more of an idea how long this has been going on.

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So no children involved? Just the two of you?

Why not confronting him? You're together only 7 months, so I guess better find out who he is sooner than later.

Well I wouldn't worry about the fact I checked his e-mail -obviously you had every right to be suspicious. Also he will try to defend himself by attacking you for checking his e-mail. But that is just patetic excuse.

I would talk with him. The fact I checked his e-mail wouldn't stop me.

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Oh dang this really sux huh. yeah, newlyweds I guess it would be hard to tell him. So you mentioned that you are far from home? Did you meet him and move there?


yeah you could demand, what do you think he would say then?


Yeah all the way from Scotland, I met him there and moved to the USA, I dunno what he'd say.....he's showed me emails from her before, so hopefully it wont be a problem....I dunno, they say strange stuff to eachother....they are close friends. I just don't know how to handle it all.........it's probably innocent, he's always commenting sexually on chicks etc,etc....he's still quite immature I think...

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He was "furious" at her? I doubt it. He asks for it. He's enjoying it.


No kids thank god....I have no idea how to sort this one out, i'm here all alone & if I let it slip i've been reading his emails, i'll have no where to go!...


We met only 7 months ago, married 2 of them.....we're still at the stage of getting to know one another.....I can't admit to logging into his account...I can't, it's terrible I should never have done it. Look what it's done to me....panic, panic!


Oh god, what am I going to do, i'm thinkin I should wait to see her reply to his email & take it from there???

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So no children involved? Just the two of you?

Why not confronting him? You're together only 7 months, so I guess better find out who he is sooner than later.

Well I wouldn't worry about the fact I checked his e-mail -obviously you had every right to be suspicious. Also he will try to defend himself by attacking you for checking his e-mail. But that is just patetic excuse.

I would talk with him. The fact I checked his e-mail wouldn't stop me.



No kids thank god....I have no idea how to sort this one out, i'm here all alone & if I let it slip i've been reading his emails, i'll have no where to go!...


We met only 7 months ago, married 2 of them.....we're still at the stage of getting to know one another.....I can't admit to logging into his account...I can't, it's terrible I should never have done it. Look what it's done to me....panic, panic!


Oh god, what am I going to do, i'm thinkin I should wait to see her reply to his email & take it from there???

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i dont suggest what rose2summer had suggested because that is low and underhanded and will make you the flirtter. When i am flirtted with it is natural for me to flirt back. it's just a natural reaction. if you havent made the fake myspace page already dont do it because it will backfire on you and possibly hurt your marriage. they were past sex partners and as long as they stay past sex partners i dont see why you have anything to worry about. plus the flirting seemed kind of weak to me. HOT VAGINA? what the f*** is that? its just weak, as long as you put him to sleep every now and then i dont feel you have anything to worry about.


I disagree, her HUSBAND is making lewd and solicitous comments to another woman. This is NOT ok.

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Problem solved!


I asked to see the email he sent to her & he showed me the one in question! I told him it's not right that he refers or speaks with his ex in this way & it's disrespecting me completely!


He said sorry & that she refers to her self as hot lil vagina not him, she made up the word and this is just her pet name......I told him I didn't care what the hell it ment or whatever, the name will never be used for her again! - Pet names shouldn't be used between them, they are ex's now!


Anyway, problem sloved! - I'll still be keeping an eye on it though!

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Maybe I'm naive about all of this but I think it's a very good sign that your husband showed you the e-mail right away. If he truly thought it was wrong I think he would have avoided letting you read it at all.


I was going to say when I read your original post about this that even though in is totally inappropriate to say that to another female I could also see how it could have been done innocently enough... Because he did mention that she was moving to be with a guy and so I personally took it that it was a sexual joke about her and another man, not her personally.


I would moniter it.. Not so much caring about her replys but rather to see if he respects your wishes now that you have made them clear and he knows it is unacceptable in your relationship.

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