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People's general opinion and expectations over ur own way of doing things?

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Hey BC -

great post.


I had pondered these same thoughts a few months ago- I don't know why there are "norms" -


But i think if there is something you really want to do- but it's not the norm in society- do it.....but be prepared to defend it.


i suppose that's why people stay in the norm- they don't want to stand out and they don't want to have to defend it, or answer to their families or friends. Unfortunately, people are judgemental as much as we'd like to think they aren't.

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I think in time, you will also realize that what is normal, and what is different, is all in the eye of the beholder (or doer).


We all have our own values, ideas, perceptions based on our experiences, the lessons we have learned, from our upbringing, our family, friends, environment. I think that you can always find someone whom shares many commonalities with you, as well as someone whom shares many differences. That's fine, that is what makes us unique, and makes life interesting.


I think though that there is no "wrong" or "right" way in most cases, however just because someone's opinion differs from yours does not mean there is not some truth to what they believe either.

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Thanks! I do think that as long ur not affecting negatively others, you should be entitled to do whatever you want, no matter how wacky or stupid or weird or bold seems to others. But I believe is unfair that you have to "defend it"... like you have to justify yourself sooner or later for doing something people is not used to, or don't consider appropriate.


It is kind of sad how many many people live their whole life staying inside the norm because they're too scared or too lazy to upset and then face people around, in order to do what they really want to do.





Is true the concept of "normal" is very variable. But, as I said, there are certain attitudes and behaviors and choices that are gonna freak out the 98% of people for sure. And not only freak them out, they'll feel almost compeled to try to talk you into not doing it. Almost like an automatic reflex.


Is also OK if someone doesn't agree with me, or wouldn't do what I'm planning to do, but they don't have the right to bash me or tell me how insane I am. Yet, society tends to do that very oftenly.

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The french film "La vie en rose" is a great example of the bashing-prone and domineering attitude of society in general.


Ludovic is a kid that is convinced he was born inside the wrong body. Ludovic thinks and feels like girl, but unfortunately, was born with a male body.


Ludo wears long hair, plays with dolls and even enjoys wearing dresses and princessy costumes for going to school and parties, and wants to get married with his best friend (a boy). Is creative, imaginative, tender, sweet, a great kid overall.


Ludo's parents violently try to discourage her from her girlie ways. They cut her hair and throw away all the dresses.


They are completely freaking out. The teachers are going insane, and they even expell Ludo. The neighbours are completely alienated and stop talking to the whole family, like they're contagious and dirty. So they even have to move and start a new life in other place. And they all blame it on freakshow Ludo.


All, because a little kid had the balls to be true to herself. Without really affecting anyone.


Saddly, this is not only a movie. Is an accurate reflex on how scared is people of what goes beyond the pre-fixed standards.

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