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How did you meet your ex?

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How did you meet your ex? Did you like him/her immediately, or did it take a while? I met mine and was instantly attracted, really truly liked him, and thought he was "the one" for me...I felt that it was always me putting more into the relationship... eventually he broke my heart... That's why I'm here... just wondering about other peoples situations...

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I met my ex through an online dating site. He initiated contact with me and I was hesitant in responding to him - but eventually, I took the chance and wrote him back. We exchanged information and connected right away on the phone. He wanted to meet however we had conflicting schedules so after a month of playing phone tag - we finally met for coffee. There was instant chemistry, physical, mental and intellectual. He won me over with his good grace by helping an old lady get a cab home. Still, I was wary and kept my distance. But my god, he pursued me like crazy - so eventually I caved in. He was nothing but perfect the first two months then he slowly distanced himself away to ultimately going MIA on me for 4 months. He left me all confused, doubting myself. But just recently I came to the revelation that he's bi-sexual. So like you, I came here hoping to learn how to move on after being dumped without an explanation.


Post often, reply to others – let us all help one another in the healing process.

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I met mine at work. At first I really disliked him quite a bit (I thought he was cold and unapproachable), but little by little we opened up to each other and I realized what a warm and caring person he is to the few people who are lucky enough to be a part of his life. We had a wonderful relationship...until the chemistry dwindled and things ended between us -- and now I'm here.

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I approached her at a bar one night and got her phone number. There was definitely instant attraction there. I was actually on my way somewhere else but a friend called and asked me to come meet him there. She was also supposed to be somewhere else.


During the good times of our relationship she used to tell me how happy she was that we didn't stick to our original plans that night. Later on we'd joke about it. I can't say that I'd have done anything different. The time we were together was phenominal even though most of this year has been pure misery.

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My ex and I were best friends for 3 years before we dated. So when we actually had feelings for each other we thought we would be perfect together. We only dated for a year and we don't even talk anymore. I wasn't instantly attracted to him from the beginning because he wasn't my type physically but getting to know him through his personality we were a lot alike and that's why we were such good friends then.

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I met him during university. We did LDR after I completed my studies as I am not allow to over stay at his country.


His parents did not approved of our relationship so he dumped me.


I really doubted that we would able to meet again based on a simple factor, we are in the different country.

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we were in same high-school. he was a popular boy tho (uhhh..) so yeah i was attracted...!! after we were friends for 2 years he found me smart and good (eh..i aint cute) we had been in relationship for 6.5years i told him to stop it coz i felt that he didnt care me anymore, i guess we lost passion in each other.

hes my first love and i still dream of him often (heck!!)

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I met my ex through a common friend of ours. I wasn't instantly attracted to him but after a few dates I really began to like him. I moved in with him within about 2 months of meeting him. Since then we have been living together for 8 years up until the break up which was 8 months ago. I really do miss him alot. I miss the friendship and the companionship. We got on so well and were best friends.


We broke up because I was stupid enough to flirt with someone on the internet and ended falling ill with psychosis due to the stress of feeling guilty. I ended up confessing to my ex. He broke off the relationship because he felt betrayed and also because he couldn't handle my illness. We both love each other but he won't give our relationship a second chance.

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She was reading a book at a bookstore...a booked entitled "If Love is a Game, These are the Rules." Didnt take much to figure out she was on the market. So, I hesitated for a bit, hoping to make eye contact, but it never came...so I just went up and gave her the best pick up line you will EVER hear.


"So, is that book any good?"


Hey, it worked and I'm forever thankful for having the balls to approach her.


I hope this thread isn't so much a reminder of lost love for everyone who reads, but rather proof that we succeeded in finding love once and we all will again. Good luck everyone!!!




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I met my ex three years ago in Spanish class. From the time I met her I couldn't stop thinking about her. It was at the point that I woke up the next morning STILL thinking of her that I realized I wanted to be with her. Not a day has gone by since then that I haven't thought about her.


Of course, she had a boyfriend at the time and strung me along telling me she was about to break up with him. I refused to be with her while she was with him, so I suffered emotionally from her games for two months until he finally moved out of state. My love for her blinded me to the fact that she played this game with tons of guys, and continued to do so after I finally got with her.


Looking back, she's pretty well put me through hell from the time we met. Thank God I now have the chance to find someone who can treat me right.

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Sweet story really...

Through a mutual friend. I was throwing a bday bash and called on my dj friend who then suggested a band. Contacted the drummer (my ex) who agreed to have the band play (strictly business/professional at first). Due to unforeseen circumstances the band couldn't play but he came anyway. I was flattered and smitten.

Blossomed from them on out. Though the flower is now dead.

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I met my ex girlfriend when I was a sophomore (and she a freshman) in high school. Liked her from the moment I first saw her (I still remember). We were good friends in high school, and I tried to date her. She gave me the line about not wanting to ruin our friendship, etc. I took it as rejection.


Fast forward 3-4 years, we were both finishing college, and she contacted me out of the blue. We started spending time together, and I was very confused. I was rejected years earlier, but it sure as heck seemed like she was interested in me. I got a mutual friend involved, and came to realize that she did like me, and just felt immature in high school and didn't want to screw something with long-term potential up.


Well... we dated for almost 2.5 years, and it did get screwed up. She is still immature, and wants to be single and have fun. That's OK, but it really broke my heart. She was a gem beyond belief. I guess I should just know I was given a gift, and I won't look back wondering "What if?"

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I met kristen when i was a sophomore, she was a freshman, but older than me hehe, anyways i had always been attracted to her and looked at her like the kind of girl i would never get. Anyways, turns out she liked me, we dated for 2 years, and bam she suddenly goes from this shy modest girl to a alcoholic/partier/ * * * * * literally overnight.

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