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QUESTION FOR GUYS: Are you into A) merely big breasts or B) female chest in general?

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I don't think that media culture makes us believe that bigger breasts are better. Look at any kind of printed advertisement (ie. GAP). All super skinny, flat chested women. Some models (even super models) have no breasts at all.


Are bigger breasts a major turn on? I wouldn't say a major but in some way they may complement the whole "package" (personality + body) but aren't a requirement. At least not for me.


Now the whole bigger breasts thing is directly related to women wanting men with broad shoulders. It's inprinted in our instincts carried over from our predecessors that lived thousands of years ago. Size mattered back then. Big men with broad shoulders meant protection for women. Women with big breasts meant survival for the youngest ones.


These days, I wouldn't consider it a big selling point.


Now, nice round hips... (j/k)


I think what you're saying is true. I also believe that that's why men these days don't like large breasts. They all seem to like the really skinny/atheletic look. Plus many of them don't want babies & maybe the instinctively go for the more "unfeminine" body types.


Ofcourse, what I'm saying is very general. Most guys will take many other things into account other than breast size, such as personality etc.


How about this question then: Based purely on looks, what body type catches your eye (attraction) the most? I'm interested to know.

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How about this question then: Based purely on looks, what body type catches your eye (attraction) the most? I'm interested to know.


Based purely on my personal views (which probably represent 95% of common men' views anyway) I feel most attracted to an "hourglass" body shape. That pretty much sums it up.

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For me as long as the breast are from a B cup to a D cup I am all good. The size of the breast are not that important to me, its more how proportionate they are to the girls body. And as far as fake boobs I the only way to get a for sure pass from me on them is if the girl had breast cancer and a good amount of insides of the breast where removed. If a girl got implants just to make her fell more confindent about her self or wanted more attention to her body, its a no go.

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You're right about that but did "cavemen" know about it? They didn't have that kind of knowledge so of course using primitive measures they must have concluded that bigger is better. Mulitiply that by thousands of generations and you got yourself a nasty habit.


Though I'm sure they were smart enough to know that smothering their offspring was not a good thing. If this is still prevalent after thousands of generations, how did people become interested in supermodels? How did we go through the flapper stage (where flat-chested, small-hipped women were popular)? And how come many are now interested in having a size 2 woman with huge breasts, hips and butt when it is near impossible for them to maintain such a tiny waist and yet store so much fat around the top and bottom?


In addition hip size has much more to do with attraction and breeding than breast size, which is probably why pear-shaped women are the most common today. Guess which body shape is the rarest among women? The hourglass.

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In addition hip size has much more to do with attraction and breeding than breast size, which is probably why pear-shaped women are the most common today. Guess which body shape is the rarest among women? The hourglass.


There was another thread about what physical feature makes a woman most attractive to which my reply was exactly what you said: hip size.


In the past couple of hundreds of years the "sexiest" image of a woman has changed drastically and went thought several quite suprising stages. Once an oversized woman was the super model of her times. Then corsets were the top fashion statement to make women appear as close to an hourglass shape as possible. Now we have images of overall super skinny girls flashed all around us.


However, the final ideal image of a woman depends on individual preferences. As I mentioned before "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

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i must say aslong as the dont have an extra member i love them

ive dated women with barely anything(which is fun) and im presently with someone with rather large breasts...and i must say they can be fun to play with...but i think its more for the girl....i guess the larger...the more sensitive area there is...if the women are happy with smaller breasts then fine by me...as long as we men can have fun lol

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i'll put my 3 cents in...


i think large to very large breasts look a bit rediculous, but it depends on the proportion to the rest of the body. one of my better female friends is maybe 5'3" and has a pair of the largest natural breasts i've seen...and i always worry if she's gonna fall over...it just doesn't look right to me.


all that being said, i tend to lean towards average size..whatever that may be. (i'm not up on cup sizes and such...my ex was a xxBC and those were perfect) it all comes down to the man. every one has different preferences and to say men in general like large breasts is a bit off...

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I don't know what the obsession with breasts is in our society in general (not in this thread). But, yes, of course I'm turned on by them.

The biggest turn-on for me though is a girl who is in SHAPE and who TAKES CARE of herself.


I look at the big picture rather than parts of the picture.

Take care of your body and people will find you a lot more attractive - so stop worrying about breast size.

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This is something that is just a preference. There are guys that really are into the large breasts and there are guys that dont care at all and some like small breasts. Also if you overhear guys talking about some girl with large breasts dont assume that they only are interested in girls with large boobs, most guys don't care a whole lot about size and with them talking about large boobs its just guy talk.

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I think most men care a lot less about breast size than the media would have you think.


Large chests are a kind of specialized taste. There's a "niche market" of men out there who are fixated on them, just as there are guys strongly attracted to full-figured women or women of a particular ethnicity.


I guess I'm a breast man myself, although I haven't had the chance to actually touch any yet. But I know the size won't make any difference to me. And I definitely wouldn't like implanted breasts; I don't like anything artificial.


I think our culture's preoccupation with overdeveloped breasts is mostly about the novelty. We just instinctively think that if some is good, a whole lot must be better.


Think of it this way: women's breasts are like men's muscles. Our culture expects men to have muscles in much the same way it expects women to have breasts. But look at our attitude toward overdeveloped bodybuilders. They certainly have a lot more muscle than most guys, but we don't really take them seriously. They're just a novelty act. And I don't think there are really that many women who single-mindedly seek out only bodybuilders. The same is true with men and big-chested women.

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Are big breasts such a turn on, like, the ultimate turn on, as media and culture makes us believe?


Can a seriously flat chested girl be also an object of desire for u guys, or an average amount of breast is necesarily required in all cases?


Well, flat like FLAT as a pancake? Cause I mean... Yeah, there's always gotta be SOMETHING there, right? Well if there's at least something "grabable" I think it's good, lol. Doesn't have to be too big. But They don't have to be HUGE in my opinion. For some reason, I tend to notice the butt before I notice the breasts... Well face first, then butt, then breasts, LOL. Just what I think...

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Well, flat like FLAT as a pancake? Cause I mean... Yeah, there's always gotta be SOMETHING there, right?


Flat as in... There's nothing but a nipple there, like a male chest. Have you seen those before and after pictures of girls that get implants? There are some extreme cases of females that are flat chested as a teenage boy.Not like a pancake, like a boy.

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But look at our attitude toward overdeveloped bodybuilders. They certainly have a lot more muscle than most guys, but we don't really take them seriously. They're just a novelty act. And I don't think there are really that many women who single-mindedly seek out only bodybuilders.


So true! I so don't like the body builder type... and when they're all covered in oil EWWW hello!! Yuckie!! Male strippers also make me kind of ill... But many many guys get all worked up about milkmaid breasts... I don't get it. Is probably the super-size-it culture.

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BC, I hope you're not feeling insecure about your chest. Remember that there are people fixated on every possible kind of body/personality type, so nobody's really left out.


Sure there are big chest fetishists, but there are plenty of small-chest fetishists too. You want evidence? Walk into a porn shop and notice all the magazines and videos expressly catering to small-chest enthusiasts.


Whatever kind of look you have, you can be sure that over the years plenty of guys have slyly checked you out in public and thought you were hot, without you ever knowing.

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Whatever kind of look you have, you can be sure that over the years plenty of guys have slyly checked you out in public and thought you were hot, without you ever knowing.


Thanks SW .


I'm sure there are lots of guys out there that are into petite to no breasts at all...


However, I do feel insecure about my chest, indeed. And is not because I'm affraid some guys may not like it... I mean screw them... I am the one that is into larger breasts myself (I've just discovered that ) My lack of an average amount of breast tissue will always make me feel kind of incomplete. I know, is silly, but that's the way I've always felt about it.


I so want implants. \\

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Hey! For all those guys that are into HUGE boobs... I wonder if they also find arousing male boobs... I mean, in esense is the same thing... a huge amount of flesh with a nipple in the middle.... ahahahaha


Haha! I doubt it because...well they're guys. And because they don't have the natural curve that a woman's breasts have. They just sort of...sag.


And I hope it doesn't matter too much as I'm just an A cup.

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"Can a seriously flat chested girl be also an object of desire for u guys, or an average amount of breast is necesarily required in all cases?"



Chest size doesn't matter to most men!!


Face is 1st (thats what you wake up to), overall body is 2nd and anything else is just honorable mention

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Is that so? In that case I really don't understand why implants are so popular... there can't be so many uninformed girls like that...




Implants are popular because women can buy them and if someone has a "sale" on implants, most women would go get it done. (you're all laughing because you know it's true) It's just like the 20+ prs. of shoes, pants, skirts, dresses and the piles and piles of makeup etc. that they already own.


Did you all get the "Fall" clothes out? point made'?? lol

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