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This is a rather easy question to some. I met a girl months after my break up and she seemed cool, way different from my ex though. So I had some question as to if I can actually fall in love with someone who is different then my ex like I did with my ex. Anyway, me and her have spoken alot. But she always puts me on hold, etc. I'm a nice guy(I've been told I'm turning mean, I think it's just a post-break up phase) so I went with it. But sometimes she would just say "gotta go, bye" really fast and hang up. Other times, she would hang up by accident because she doesn't know how to work the phone. Today I called her because she didn't call me all day. She put me on hold right away because she said other people were calling for her mom on the cell and house phone. So it hung up, I called back a few times and no answer. This got me mad, I hate being hung up on and I can't help but feel this disrespectful. She eventually called me back, and in my haste I hung up from anger. She sent me text messages saying a bit of an insulting remark, wasn't much more like "someone should take whatever it is out of your butt because you're being a meany". But my question to you is, how can I approach this? If I did want to go out with her, can I really even though I got mad early in this friendship? And should I even forgive her? I know it sounds odd but i've been on edge because my ex took advantage of me, and many others have just because I was too nice...

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Not even worth getting mad about... she's not what you're looking for. For whatever reason, something else is always more important. Quit taking it as a personal affront, and just step back and say... nah.


Well I mean even if it was by accident, should I still just say "forget you"? So to speak...

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