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why did she do this?

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well i just wanted to let all of this out. i had been dating this girl on and off for about a little over a year. well at the beginning of august i found out she was cheating on me with some guy and i broke it off.. really broke my heart because i loved the girl to death and she claimed she "loved me" and made all these claims to keep me, like i would die for you and i love you and i cant be without you, but i stay strong and end it. she then says ok, i want to be friends but i cant talk to you for awile, im like ok thats fine. so i have been doing nc, everything has been going good actually just got a new job as a software engineer and im very excited about that, and im looking into buying a new condo, until last sunday she asked me if i wanted start working out agian. i said ok.. then wensday she text me do you want to workout in the beginning of september, i did not respond, then yesterday she text me she just got a new job.. so i responded(idiot move) thats awesome so did i, and then she asked me were and i said at&t governement solutions, she was wow thats awesome then she said can i be honest with you? i said about what and she said "greg and i are pretty much together, im sorry the way things turned out" my heart just sunk, greg is the guy she cheated on me with, but i sucked up my pride and text her back thats awesome i hope everything works out. then i text her im headed to the beach ill ttyl. then she text me and was asking me if i was with any other girls. my question why in the world would she do that and try and throw him in my face like that? why is she trying to hurt me again!...i feel like we just broke up all over agian. please help!

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That's horrible I feel really bad for you- I had a little punch in the stomach myself reading that. Maybe she needs to feel like she's wanted and she can't get that unless she's got a few peoples' attention.


I'm sure there's a whole NC philiosophy on this website which is designed to stop this thing from happening!! Maybe it's a good experience- lesson learned.

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Sorry hulk. You got hit by the ex who needs reassurance. Your silence was tough for her to take, even though she has a new guy. The best move is to go nc and stay there or you'll keep experiencing these emotional drivebys. Let her get her reassurance elsewhere. Be strong. She'll probably try it again when she doesn't hear from you later.

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well this is day 2 of nc for me.. not to bad since she hasnt conttacted me since sunday. monday was pretty good.. i have my ups and downs emotionally about her. i loved her so much, i wanted to marry her and now its all over. the hardest part is thinking that she is sleeping next to that guy in bed.. turns my stomach.. hopefully i will be able to deal with it soon.. thanks for the support guys

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day 3 no contact.. last night i felt great like i had no desire to even talk to her or be with her at all, i was actually starting to get to normal, but this morning my heart hurts pretty bad. i dont have an urge to contact her at all, for one i know she is with her new man, and if anything i think its just disgusting then 2gether.. i have to get that thought out of my head, i hope it leaves soon.. the real test is when she contacts me.. what will i do? i will be strong, i have vowed for at least 30 days i will remain no contact.. and then i should be over her and be able to move on i

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well going on day 4 nc.. this morning was kinda hard.. i dont know why it just kinda hit like a ton of bricks today.. why are the mornings so hard to deal with? i miss her tons, but i know i made the right decision.. part of me wants to email and pour my heart out.. the other part of me knows im making the right decision.. i guess the hardest thing is thinking with your brain instead of your heart. going to gainesville this weekend for florida gator game.. hopefully wont think about her too much then..

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I'm sorry to hear about your ordeal with you ex. Maybe she just misses talking to you. She should be more considerate of your feelings.


Mornings usually are the worst, aren't they? It's one thing to have to wake up to an alarm sounding but then the jolt of realization that things aren't how you wish they could be is so terrible! I hope you do feel better. I think it would be best if you don't talk to her until you feel confident that it won't hurts soooo much!

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going on day 5 of nc, the road to recovery is getting closer, althoush i still think about her alot .. she text me yesterday to ask me how much i paid for my car? its like she is trying to find the dumbest reasons to contact me. i just ignored her. going to be out of town this weekend so hopefully that will help keep my mind off her

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day 7 nc baby! getting better.. although i got a weird text message from her saturday morning.. you awake yet?.. i got this at 9 am.. what the hell?? but istayted true to nc and did not respond. i just dont know what she is trying to accomplish with these text messages

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day 8 nc.. i was really wondering why she texted me saturday morning.. maybe she watned to hang out.. since she asked me if i was awake yet.. i dunno... but i dont care i have to do nc for me, not for her. its about time i start worrying about myself instead of her for a change

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day 9 nc... well i kinda screwed up yesterday and went spying on her myspace. it all started yesterday when i was lookin at a friends page and i saw her picture. i think her and her new man are having problems.. maybe thats why she text me on saturday. but i am still holding true to my nc and will not contact her and i wont respond to her attempts of contact. and if i feel weak i will keep rereading this to make me stronger thank you everyone for being their

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I hate that kind of people. All that things she's doing are plain rubbish. Selfish people act like that.

It even hurted me when I saw how she said she's with him right now. I mean who cares?!!! She's contacting you because of her own selfish motifs. Congratulation on your NC. Stay away from her.

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ok guys i need your help. i just got another text from "you going saturday" i am either thinkin she is referring to a bodybuilding show where im from(i invited her to it while we were still together) or maybe a football game in gainesville.. but i dunno she didnt specify.. * * * is she trying to do why does she keep contacting me? to be honest i deep down i love her to death and would like to work things out.. i have gone nc for 9 days but lc going on 5 weeks.. is this enough time for her to miss me and realize she * * * *ed up or am i just being idealistic? i dunno im going to go nc until i hear a diffrent opinoin

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look, she is with that guy. No matter what she wants this is the fact that counts. Even if she wanted to get back to you would you want her back? A girl thats dating him and is not ready to leave him unless you choose to be with her again? My advice is to never get back even if she wants.

About this message she sent you can NC it or write to her that you are going out with your gf and than NC her.

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well i just text her back at 640 am.. "yeah" short and sweet and too the point. maybe she sent me that to see if i was there so she wouldnt run into me i dunno, hopefully thats why. but anyway i had a great morning, for some reason i feel so over her today and feel like i have control over the situation. now that i look back at everything, i honestly feel like have become such a stronger person and now i know what i will accept and not accept in a reletionship and not make any exceptions for anyone.

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well.. its day 10 nc.. i still havent heard back from the "yeah" text i sent yesterday morning.. i hope i woke her up with that one..lol.. i really didnt expect to hear back from her.. she has tried to contact me about 7 times, which i dont understand.. i honestly dont get it.. if someone cheats on you and then decides to date that person why would you still contact your ex? why would still want to workout with them? the best thing is i feel much more in control of the situation.. i mean i could have started working out with her again..but i simply ignored her

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I really don't know why some people have this idea that you want to be friends with them after they treated you wrong. Probably because they are immature and are unable to accept that every action has it's consequences you have to live with.

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