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I poem I wrote a long time ago


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As some of you know, I'm deeply in love with a cartoon charactor named Max. Well, this is a poem I wrote about him when he was just a few months into my life.


I have a good friend named Max

When it comes to Pokemon he knows all the facts

He lives in a world that's not real

But to believe you just have to feel

That what's not there is there

And it can show up anywhere

Max wears glasses and a T-shirt

And he's too young to flirt

With other young girls

He did like one once who was pretty as pearls

But he lost her to something that was not his fault

I bet his heart felt like it came to a halt

But he moved on knowing she was not the one

Right now all he cares about is having fun

Max is above average and very smart

There's nothing he can't understand on a chart

Max is only eight and very cute

Just one look and you'll go mute

Max wants to become a gym leader

But he could become anything, even a breeder

Max let's nothing get in the way

Not even his big sister May

Every day I wish he was real

But for now I can only feel


So, what do you think about my poem? This was made when I was like 14 years old and I had just gotten into poetry. I put a copy of it on my locker at school but people just laughed at it. They don't understand that it's a poem of love. No one knows what it's like to be in my shoes.

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