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Does he really love me?


Hi everyone,


If someone:

- followed you home from collage/uni (and you live 45min away drive) to see you got home safe

- Waited for you

- Told you they LOVED you (but hey, only a handful mean it)

- Said that they dont care if they have engage in sexual acts with you and told you they want you to go at your pace

- Call and message you often


Does this mean they truly love you or is it just another word for them?

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I'm the same way with my girlfriend and I tell you I love her completely and am dedicated to her. He could be on the path, and my only advice is to see where is leads. But please, be cautious. My mother was caught by someone who acted this way up until he had her in his house, and then he abused her. I'm not saying this dude will, but some guys are like that. Once you're sure he wont hurt you in any way, give him all you've got

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