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Poll: When/how did you first say I Love You

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Ah well, I can't say mine is the most "romantic story".


First of all, in very backwards fashion, we said "I love you" after we had already decided we were going to live together (and had already "essentially" moved in).


It happened in a less than "romantic moment". We had been dating two months by this point...both of us "knew it" but had yet to say it to one another. We knew it as we were both very sure we wanted to take this to the next step and knew this was something very different based on our experiences and we just had that fit. We were making plans to move in and had already told our families (we moved in the following month).


Anyway, it was New Year's Eve, and we had gone to a wedding social at a local hall for some of his friends. We both had a few drinks, danced the night away, then went to a friends place nearby to crash in their basement as we lived downtown (well, I lived downtown).


I was already in bed, and he was fumbling to get in, turned out the light and as he started to get onto the bed, he blurted out an "I love you". I think it shocked him more than me...I just replied a simple, "I love you too". Then we proceeded to make out like rabbits The next day we kinda laughed about it, and verified that yes, it is true...we definitely felt that way.

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Started dating beginning of September, said it towards the end of December. I said it, but probably felt it after she did. She later told me she felt it in the beginning of November or end of October, when I made it clear that I cared about how she was, just because I cared.

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For some reason everyone I've ever dated seems to say they love me in a month or less... Must be my effect but I feel cheated.


Same here, but rather than feel cheated, I feel flattered! Plus, I don't think I could stand a long wait if I felt it, too.

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It happened fairly soon after we started seeing each other which was a couple of months after we started to communicate.


I wrote it in a card I got for her and wasn't sure if it was the right time to do so ... but she beat me to it and said it a couple of hours into that date, and I already had the card very close at hand. I had felt it some time before and so had she. So, I'd say if was pretty romantic really. We were both more or less in tears at the way it happened.


We say it a lot now. Several times a day. Some times are very meaningful, and some other times are more of a reassurance and acknowledgement.

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It happened fairly soon after we started seeing each other which was a couple of months after we started to communicate.


I wrote it in a card I got for her and wasn't sure if it was the right time to do so ... but she beat me to it and said it a couple of hours into that date, and I already had the card very close at hand. I had felt it some time before and so had she. So, I'd say if was pretty romantic really. We were both more or less in tears at the way it happened.


We say it a lot now. Several times a day. Some times are very meaningful, and some other times are more of a reassurance and acknowledgement.


Darn that's sweet Ash!


Yeah, here too, we had felt it for some time. Not even sure why we had not said it. I was not really on my side worried the feelings were not returned, maybe it was just a matter of feeling quite comfortable he did, and not panicking about it!


We do say it often too, in much the same way. I remember in past relationships it was either said too much without meaning, or said too little it seemed...but, the way we do it it seems just right...I feel like Goldilocks


My boyfriend even just left me a message on my phone at lunch as he is away in the Yukon for work, just to say he loved me...darn I love when he does that!

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I told my girlfriend I loved her for the first time on the loading dock at a bar I played at. We had been seeing eachother for about three monsths. But, crazy as it sounds I knew three weeks after I met her that I loved her. I just didn't want to scare her off by saying it. (If anyone really wants proof of that go read some of my old posts, heh...)


It was a really good night. We played a good show. After getting all the gear loaded back up her and I were just wandering around the load in area by ourselves. I don't know why I decided to say it then and there. It just felt like the right time.

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Same here, but rather than feel cheated, I feel flattered! Plus, I don't think I could stand a long wait if I felt it, too.


It IS flattering but I feel cheated because I think it takes longer to truly love someone. No one has ever waited until they truly knew me to say it. Loving me without really knowing me is very easy, I make a good first impression.

Knowing me AND loving me is entirely a different story.

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It IS flattering but I feel cheated because I think it takes longer to truly love someone. No one has ever waited until they truly knew me to say it. Loving me without really knowing me is very easy, I make a good first impression.

Knowing me AND loving me is entirely a different story.


I completely see your point. You're absolutely right.

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Me and my boyfriend waited a whole YEAR to say it. It sounds crazy, and we definitely both felt it waay before that, but it really was the right time.


It was on our 1 year anniversary. We were sitting on the couch at my house, after my family all went to bed. And my boyfriend just starts into this whole speech about how I meant everything to him and I'm the first person he's ever been able to see himself with forever, then at the end he was like "And I've known it for a long time, but I really love you.."


It was so sweet, I started crying. I'm such a dork because I cry at everything.. but it really was a sweet moment..

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Gosh at least you have had someone tell you that. Thats a great thing!



Hmm.. Well, out of all the ex's (and boy do I emphasize the X) I doubt many if any of them really meant it. Call me a sap or maybe even an idealistic sucker but I believe that love is more than a feeling.. It's an action that lasts a lifetime.


All those boys that said they loved me and then went and broke my heart... Phooey. They didn't love me, they just said they did.


No one has ever said they loved you but no one has lied to you about it either. I've seen your posts.. I have no doubt that someday someone will say it to you and mean it.


I guess I'll share the story of how my boyfriend first said he loved me.


We walked back to his apartment after drinking with some friends at our favorite bar. We started making out while he opened the door in that crazy frantic way people who just started dating do. He backed me up against the wall and said, "I tried telling you last night when we were making love and I tried telling you at the bar but I don't think you heard me. I love you." I responded with a panic attack. Half an hour later I proceeded with my typical response, "No, you don't." Of course he claimed that he really did.


It wasn't until this spring that he really started meaning it.. Over a year later! I could tell as I always can and told him so.. And he was honest.. He told me when he said it first he wasn't exactly lying because he did love me but it was a surface kind of love, the easy kind. But no, he hadn't been in love with me. He told me that it was expected of him to say it and although it isn't right I can understand that. So many people say they love someone when they really don't. Sadly, I'm guilty of this as well with the "I love you too's" of my past.


Bah. I'm such a cynic.

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