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Who Here has tried to commite suicide?

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I have, I was going to stab a knife into my hart. My romemate came in and fought for the knife. I am so glad he did that. I am not happy with my self for trying. I know it is the wimps way out but at the time I could not see the light. That was 4 years ago. The thing that helped me the most was Enotalone. I know it sounds corny. I just wanted to tell you all thanks for being there for me.

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Man, all I could say that if your friend didn't save you that you would have had a painful and awful death.


Rockstar Tom DeLonge once quoted "Life never gets so bad you have to end it" and he is so right.


Hang in there, we are always here for you if you need to vent.


The future is always something to look forward to, we are glad to have helped you in your journey to your recovery.


Take care of yourself,



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Yes, I've attempted suicide. I was 16 years old and very desperate for the pain to go away. I swallowed about 23 Tylenol. All it did to me was make my stomach gurgle and actually gave me a headache. I never told anybody about it for years. I have had occasional suidical ideation over the years. I've never attempted again though. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of getting into therapy and medication. It can work if you want it to. I have chronic problems with depression, so I have to get into therapy with some regularity. I am back on medication after a few years hiatus, and it's helping. A therapist can help normalize things for you and provide some much needed objectivity as suicidal people tend to lose that. Good luck to you.

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i was going to as well. my ex treated me very badly during our relationship and he made me feel very worthless. after he hit me i considered ending it, i honestly thought i was everything he made me out to be - worthless and nothing. i am glad i didnt.


me and him are over - i am going on to university to live my life my way now. i am free of him.

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I've never actually tried it, but have contemplated so in the past, due to business going bad, other things. For example, I lost lots of money in the stock market, lost funding for school as the money was credit money, and clients cheated on me on Real-Estate in such a way I could not pay back the debts and I felt I had no future and nothing to lose with all the bad-luck. I didn't even have enough money to sue.



What kept me from seriously considering suicide in these trying moments and other trying moments is literally 'fear of going to hell, surrounded by fire, monsters and demons tormenting me for eternity' because I believe all suicide victims go there, or have a good chance of going there. So I say to myself, you know what, I'm not surrounded by hell fire and wicked monsters having fiendish delight as they torture my soul - thereforeeee, no matter how bad life is, it cant be THAT bad. After all, you cant die, you just change from one dimention to another parallel dimention - and that dimension is hell, and you cant kill yourself there. Believe me, everyone in hell wants to kill themselves from there, but they cant die, so you cant really kill yourself, you can just put yourself into hell.

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Sleeping Pills in year 9, I took two before a friend interrupted me by rudely calling at that moment, by the time she'd hung up I suddenly felt too tired to kill myself...


...woke up the next morning thinking: "OMG WHAT DID I ALMOST DO?!?"


weirdest experience in my life, never been that close since...

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i tried. apparently it was such a good effort that i should not be sat here typing today. the doctors were amazed that i made afull recovery.


i took 86 paracetamol, a mixture of morrisons own and feminax which also contain codiene. i took them all at once with a bottle of wine. i was crying, i didnt want to do it but i felt i had no other option.


immediately my skin started to itch, an awful burning itch that i couldnt scratch hard enough. i sat on the floor in the toilet and projectile vomited all over the wall. then i must have fallen asleep.


i had locked the bedroom door and was asleep/collapsed on the floor in the en suite. i had put mariah carey's "without you" on repeat and turned it way up. my boyfriend and his friend returned to the house to find the bedroom door unopenable. he tried to kick it in but i had blocked it up so well, its a solid door as well.


i amazingly woke up and staggered to the door. goodness knows how i opened the door but i managed it.


then it began, a whole night of him making me sick, giving me saltwater, walking me around to get it out of my system and not letting me go to sleep. little did he know the damage had been done and i needed a hospital immediately. he didnt want to put me through the humiliation of hospital if he could help it, i was off my face i can only remember snippets of that night.


i remember waking up in bed with blood pumping its way out of my stomach every 5 minutes. i had already vomited a bucketful of the dark red looking stuff that night. when i told him that it takes up to 4 days to die of a paracetamol overdose and that it kills you slowly by closing down your liver, he took me straight to hospital.


i was immediately seen to, it was serious. i asked the doctor straight up if i was going to die and he couldnt answer me. he looked scared. this terrified me, i will never forget his expression.


my blood pressure was so high, my temperaturem everything was pointing to me not recovering. i was still vomiting dried blood, my skin was yellow. i was so close to renal failure.


every doctor i spoke to said they had never seen such a high overdose patient survive. i honestly thought i was going to die which would have been torturous as it was as soon as id opened my eyes that morning that i realised how glad i was to be alive even though i was suffering immensley.


i had to stay in hospital on a few drips for a week. i was so ashamed to waste so much of the doctor and nurses time and the nhs's money.


i am so lucky to be here. i made a stupid mistake and somehow, made a miracle recovery. i should not be here but i am so thankful that i am.


paracetamol overdose is not quick or painless. you wake u[, realise your mistake and then get told that you could die within 4 days, usually after you have realised what a mistake it was in the first place. even survivors can go on to have serious health problems.


its not worth it, there is always tomorrow.

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I have.

When I was 8 years old I went through a huge ulter in my life. Most of it was emotional, I had a lot of bad memories from my dark past flood my mind often and I felt really worthless. My mother gave me up when I was a baby (it's a long story but in the end I ended up living with my dad all my life) and because of that I used to think a lot about how she never wanted me and how I was one big mistake.


One night I stabbed myself in the arm, I still have the scar today from where I stabbed. It's almost completely faded but it's a good reminder of what I tried to do those many years ago.


I look back on it now and see how truly pathetic I must have been acting. I had stopped talking completely, I wouldn't allow myself to cry, I ate hardly anything and all the time all I could think about was how I was one big mistake.

I'm just very thankful my father found me only a few seconds after I had stabbed my arm, I'm not sure what would've happened if he hadn't, I may have died or not, who knows but I'm just thankful he found me when he did.


Today I try to see everyday as a new opportunity, I believe now that every body that walks the earth has a reason. God created them for one certain reason, and in our own little ways we can change the world. I've gotten past the whole idea of being a mistake, I look at myself as a chance, a chance to be something and make something of myself.

And I got to say, I've never lived my life happier.

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I jumped out of my apartment window when i was 21. i only succeeded in breaking half the bones in my body and spent 7 weeks in intensive care, 9 months in rehab. now i'm in a wheelchair for life, i can't move from the waist down.

i have to live with the guilt cos my family and friend know. should have taken pills i guess.

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should have taken pills i guess.


Timbo, don't you think that you have sought help, rather than thinking that you should have taken pills? If you had, this would never have happened and you could be as happy as most right now?


Timboo, don't you also think that you should really be using what has happened to you as a warning to others NOT to even attempt it?


I honestly feel that if that were me, I would by now be actively seek out the suicide sites and paste my own story as a warning to others. Have you ever thought of doing that? It could be a turning point for you and give you and others something to live for.

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I have but i wont say how because other people whowant to die copie and they might die unlikeme and im not going to be there corse of someones death. I really do regrt what i had down tho, i put my family and my friends threw hell and i cant take back what did i really wish i culd, i feel bad for what i did and i will never forget what i did either

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Timbo, don't you think that you have sought help, rather than thinking that you should have taken pills? If you had, this would never have happened and you could be as happy as most right now?


Timboo, don't you also think that you should really be using what has happened to you as a warning to others NOT to even attempt it?


I honestly feel that if that were me, I would by now be actively seek out the suicide sites and paste my own story as a warning to others. Have you ever thought of doing that? It could be a turning point for you and give you and others something to live for.


At the moment i am feeling very low and wishing i had died. i'd be lying if i said i cared about other peoples attempts. obviously i'd prefer it if everyone else was happy, but... i really dont have anything to live for personally, and its very hard to be empathising.

my advice would be don't do anything stupid, like jump out of a 4th floor window, swallow a bottle of bleach, or down a box of pills. go and see a psychologist or a counselor, a good 1. and tell your family you are depressed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well when i was younger (9 - 10) i always help knifes up to my chest and my throat wanting to do it yet knowing i wouldnt. Last year i tried to overdose myself on pain killers... Cept stupid me here didn't check the supply so only got through about 12. Then this year i have tried to strange myself twice. But someone always seems to walk in or call me at that time...


Sometimes i'm glad i never got the chance and other days i just wish i could go back and stab myself with the stupid knife.

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I slit my wrist but it wasn't deep enough to reach my vein. The cut got quite deep that there was a gaping hole and I think I just removed alot of skin and flesh and water would trickle into the slit and pour down the sides. Now I've got a scar for life. How stupid of me. The breakup really hurt me alot, and the words that made me stop inflicting pain on myself was "how am I going to love you when you're dead"? Never really thought about it at that moment. My ex hated me for doing that, and she didn't want to speak to me after that. But recently, we managed to explain to each other what had happened and our feelings at that moment, and to apologise. So I'm feeling much better.

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