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i was seventeen when i met my ex, he was fun, loving, the most ideal boyfriend that i could have wished for. at that time everything was going great. he lived around the corner from me so we would see each other frequently.


four months into the relationship everything started to go downhill. the cracks began to show. i still hung on, hoping that we could talk this through. he treated me horribly, he humiliated me in front of his friends and made a joke out of me. looking back on that i know i should have walked but i was soo in love with him. this continued for another six months. i was beginning to lose weight and i was constantly hurt by him.


he said he was sorry and when i got my exam results last year he took me out to celebrate. i got my unconditional offer at university in february of this year to do dentistry so that was something i had to look forward to. i still decided to stay the final year at school and get more grades in case i wanted to change course later on. i passed them too yay!


he talked about his exes alot. he got with me 3 months after he dumped his ex and i was always compared to her which hurt me loads. i am a virgin and we both decided that i would lose my virginity on my 18th birthday...i was soo nervous and excited. little did i know he was still seeing his ex behind my back for 2 months and he was sleeping with her.


he split up with me 2 weeks before my final exams in may of this year. he was saying he didnt feel right and that i wasnt spending enough time with him - i had bloody exams! that was an excuse for him to get back to his ex. i lost weight and i was vomitting a lot. i was soo scared i would fail my exams. he started calling me despite making it official a week later that he was back with his ex. i kept my phone switched off and used my brother's old phone to stay in touch with friends until my exams were over. after my final exam i switch my phone back on to find 42 missed calls and 17 txt messages - all from him.


i turned 18 on 29th June and i went out with friends only to find him standing outside my doorstep when i arrived. i got soo annoyed. i thought enough was enough so i moved to Dundee to live with my uncle and aunt so i can get away from him, used the excuse to my parents that since i will be attending university there i want to get to know the place. despite being far away from him he still haunts me - the latest stunt of him screaming at me down the phone, asking for the name of that guy that i was talking to when i was too traumatised to talk to him cause i had crashed my uncle's car earlier that day. he didnt care and i feel sorry for his girlfriend.


i am lucky that i got away from him but it seems like he is obssessed. he wont leave me alone even now. a part of me still loves him though and i feel soo angry.

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I sugest you tell him if he dose not leave you alone you will call the cops on him. Get some mace he sounds like trouble. Please becarful I have seen things like this go wrong fast. (down fall about being a Security Officer) just keep your distance.

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i have tried. i even moved away hoping that i would be free of him. he wont leave me alone. he is a police officer so i cant even use that on him - he has a good reputation and they wont believe me. he has made me look like the idiot in front of his colleagues.


i was thinking of contacting his ex to let him know what he has been doing. is that a good idea?

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Oh...... yea tell his ex. you know what tell he boss that he wont leave you alone. Say that you want to press charges on him. Keep a log on when he calls you, where he meets you. Becouse if it goes to court he has a good chance of losing his job.

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im in Dundee at the moment and he is in Glasgow which is an hour away. he used to live around the corner from me there so i used to see him everyday at some point.


when he would stand outside my house i would get soo scared and he would call me alot and bombard my inbox with emails. now that i am living there he just calls me alot now. i dont know who seems to be telling him what i am upto. we have mutual friends but i dont have a clue who it could be.


he threatened to slit his wrists in one of his text messages if i didnt phone him back as i have been doing NC for 3 months now.


i am not sure how i should tell his ex. i dont want her to think i am the jealous ex or something. he has told her a lot of things too so i dont know if she will believe me.

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just send the texes to her. Tell his boss about everything that is happing, he is a cop and he is threting to kill him self. That is NOT good. He is a danger to you and eveyone. Please Go talk with his boss about this, this is not something you can put off.

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