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Opinions wanted from women: Romantic or dodgy?

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I had this idea (well got it from elsewhere really) to get a rose, and put it under the windscreen wiper of her car, in the middle of the night, so she would discover it in the morning. However after I bought the roses I started to have second thoughts... The more I thought about it the riskier it seemed.


Think about it for a second before reading on. (What would your reaction be?)


Allow me to explain:

We are going out together a few weeks, but we don't live together. I'm nearly positive she wouldn't see it as a stupid cliche (I'm not even sure it is a cliche), but she might see it as a bit of a violation of her home. I wouldn't be breaking and entering or anything, there isn't even a gate to open, but I am thinking maybe the idea of anyone sneaking around her house in the middle of the night might seem a bit scary or disturbing even if it's just to leave a rose. It means I have to walk into her driveway and up to beside her house. Furthermore she's a single mother, living in her house on her own with her kid, so she might feel a bit vulnerable.


So what do you women think? Any quick replies would be great as it is in the next half hour I planned to do it. (I am meeting her tomorrow night and I may be a bit behind on my romantic gestures, so I want to do it before then if at all).

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You've been to her house, right? She's invited you over?


I think it's cute. It would mean that you were awake thinking about me and perhaps didn't want to wake me but wanted to do something nice for me still. I think that's sweet.


But I also see what you mean. Does she have dogs? So if you're walking up the driveway and her dogs start barking at you, she's going to get up with a baseball bat to investigate? That could ruin it...


But if you think you for sure wouldn't wake her up I think it's cute.

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Since you have been going out for several weeks, and in that case, I assume that you are serious about your intentions with this woman, then I don't see the act as creepy at all. In fact, I would find it romantic. But, again, this depends on deep this relationship is. Good luck!

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Yeah as long as you've at least been to the outside of her house I don't see a problem with it at all! In fact I'd LOVE for my BF to do something like that for me and he even lives with me!!! I think special little gestures like that are perfect at the beginning of a relationship - just be sure that if you start it out that way that you continue to do those cute things. I fell in love with my BF for doing those cute things and now he doesn't do them anymore and that makes me sad

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Thanks for the quick replies! I see the other male responder thought as I did.


No dogs or squeaky gates or anything... It all depends on my sneaking ability. Though if I did wake her I know she would be very freaked out by it (esp. if she didn't come to investigate and assumed it was a burglar or something), it's the next morning's reaction I'm worried about....


Hmmm... the mailbox might pose some logistical problems though, e.g. if the postman comes before she gets to the front door, and knocks it onto the ground where it's a the mercy of pets.

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How far do you live from her house?


I would probably think it were sweet if my guy did that for me, but if he lived really far away, I might get kind of creeped out. I mean, some extra thought is always nice, but...especially if she doesn't have extremely strong feelings yet, she might get freaked out by you going too out of your way.


Oh, and I think the car thing is much better than the mailbox thing. She probably wouldn't check her mailbox first thing in the morning anyway. With the rose on the car, she would see it first thing in the morning, and it would probably brighten her whole day.

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About 3 or 4 km away and yes I have been to her house a few times. But yeah that's what I was thinking. Maybe I'm better off just waiting a week or two more into it... Of course this means I have to think of something a little less dodgy but still romantic for tomorrow... And either throw out the roses.. or give them to her (seems to lessen the impact somewhat though ). Maybe if I gave a subtle hint that didn't give it away thereby preparing her a bit.... Like "would you forgive me if I did something small that risked making myself look a bit weird?" (Only phrased better - Actually phrased way better, that doesn't sound very good at all!) Of course, it's too late for that for tonight now.


I don't know maybe I think about these things too much...


OK postponing that plan for another night... Thanks for all of your responses

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Why don't you go around when it's light and early in the morning and put the rose on her car? That way you won't be sneaking around as much and other people in the street will realise what you're doing.


I think it's a lovely romantic gesture.

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Awwww... from all the single mothers on the face of the earth, a sincere thank you for not only dating one of us, and being thoughtful, but also for thinking enough of us to know we worry about being able to defend ourselves against all the small noises in the night.


And, BTW, I agree with Tigris. Get up early early and try to make it to her car about an hour before she leaves for work. Others on the block will be up and going about so the noise won't be an issue, and neither will the creepy night sneaking issue.


Once again.... Awwwwww.....

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I like the early morning idea and I was thinking of it yesterday morning but the roses had gone a bit dry so I couldn't use them... Just as well too, I met her last night and she told me she had been up at 7:00 am which was earlier than I was!!!


I only hope she doesn't read this forum

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I like the early morning idea and I was thinking of it yesterday morning but the roses had gone a bit dry so I couldn't use them... Just as well too, I met her last night and she told me she had been up at 7:00 am which was earlier than I was!!!


I only hope she doesn't read this forum


You could always put the rose on her car over your lunch break and she'll find it when she gets off of work at the end of the day. That way, you don't in any way violate the sanctity of her home, and you don't have to stuff flowers into a mailbox.

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Let us know what happens.


Seems to have been received well! No hints of being a bit freaked out or anything... I guess maybe I'm just a bit paranoid...


Thanks everyone! It may seem like a big deal over a small gesture but I've learned a bit about her from it too

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