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Average weight???

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Hey, yes that is me. Thanx. the chart was helpful. I am within range I always see myself as over weight though cuz I used to be, plus looking at all these celebs can kinda get depressing I don't wanna be skinny like paris hilton or keira knightly (however you spell it! lol) I just need to tone up!!!!

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Weight should not really be a factor in anything. Most bodybuilders are considered morbidly obese by the Body Mass Index set up by doctors, but they don't have an ounce of fat on them. Also, keep in mind that muscle weighs about twice as much as fat, and often very fit people are considered overweight. Like me, I'm 5' 7", and weigh 150, but I am very fit (thanks to kickboxing and karate), but my doctor lables me as overweight.


Hope it helps.

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Oh, I see. You look normal to me. You look on the thin side of normal, but you do not look scary-skinny like Nicole Richie has been lately, or like Lindsay Lohan was for a little while there.


I'm not on the thin side of normal, I think it was just that pic. Here is a new one of me. I don't wanna be skinny or thin. I wanna be normal and curvy, that's what makes you look feminine...not being stick thin and straight up and down like a boy.

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I'm not on the thin side of normal, I think it was just that pic. Here is a new one of me. I don't wanna be skinny or thin. I wanna be normal and curvy, that's what makes you look feminine...not being stick thin and straight up and down like a boy.



Yvette, in either pic you really look perfectly healthy and normal to me. Fit even. Actually you look a little like me, so of course that's good


But...Let's not put down people though with different body types than us, ok?


I have a beautiful coworker. She's 6'0". I actually don't think she's much bigger around in the chest or butt than me. And I'm not big at 5"2". But believe you me, she eats. She is an athelete, she's fit as a fiddle, has a beautiful face and a GORGEOUS devoted boyfriend. Just because she's thin, I think it would be a bit childish and frankly make me seem a bit like a 'hater' to say she's "built like a boy" or a "stick figure". Anyone mistakes her for a boy should see a professional.


You aren't the only woman who doesn't like having their figure disparaged or put down .

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No problem, Sheyda. I don't go around saying rude things to, or about, women of different body types than mine, and I don't like people saying negative things about others either, regardless of body type, (thin, fat, short or tall).


I think it's actually pretty unhealthy for people to feel the need to tear down others, however surreptitiously, in order to elevate themselves. I believe it's a tactic called 'leveling'.

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I think the body type she was referring to is that unatural anorexic type body (ie. Nicole Richie) and that body type is really gross. There are women who are naturally thin & healthy & have a "boyish" type body but I dont think thats what she was referring to. Thats just what I got out of it.

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I think the body type she was referring to is that unatural anorexic type body (ie. Nicole Richie) and that body type is really gross. There are women who are naturally thin & healthy & have a "boyish" type body but I dont think thats what she was referring to. Thats just what I got out of it.


Again, Please don't refer to womens' figures as "Boyish". Hint: it's an insult.

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I didnt mean it as an insult at all & since I saw the word "boyish" in previous posts I used it to explain my point.



Yes it's in some other posts, and as has already been exlained, it is insulting. Women aren't boys, and I don't know too many who want to be told they resemble one just to make someone feel better about their own figure, do you?


Do you think heavier women want to be referred to as having mannish figures? Probably not.

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Yes it's in some other posts, and as has already been exlained, it is insulting. Women aren't boys, and I don't know too many who want to be told they resemble one just to make someone feel better about their own figure, do you?


Do you think heavier women want to be referred to as having mannish figures? Probably not.



Get off it. I already explained that I didnt mean it as an insult. Its dunzo.

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I think the body type she was referring to is that unatural anorexic type body (ie. Nicole Richie) and that body type is really gross. There are women who are naturally thin & healthy & have a "boyish" type body but I dont think thats what she was referring to. Thats just what I got out of it.


thanx for understanding Alexi, that IS what I meant!

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