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I'm Ruining People's Lives for MY Enjoyment...I need serious help :(

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I'm just now admitting it because, it hit me the hardest tonight.


I'm 17. I'm your typical overachiever. I make straight A's, I'm involved in sports, music, student council, I do volunteer work, I was president of my grade, and I manage to have a social life with many good friends.


I know, I know, I'm going to bring it up, but every since this whole myspace frenzy started...I'm just gonna come right out with it...I've been making fake profiles with fake pictures and talking to people, mainly guys. It started about January and what I'll do is talk to them, get close to them as we talk and I'll tell them, "Let's meet in person, I'm meet you here...etc." So they're there, and I go to that place as MYSELF and I pass by them, get a good look at them, and that's it. I get sheer pleasure out of seeing someone I've talked to online, in person.


Here's the thing, I've been talking to this guy for about 8 months, a lot of it was on the phone, and we really like each other, but he fell for the girl on the fake myspace...not me...but I've carried on with it for this long, tonight i asked to meet him and i saw him, 2 hours later, i saw him crying because MYSPACE GIRL didn't show...I can't tell him that I've been faking it...I don't know what to do...


I've been doing this for a while, but I have no problem getting guys in person, and none of my friends know about it. I want to drop doing this, but about this guy I've been liking for 8 months...i don't know what to do about him...

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I used to enjoy messing with people, psyching them out, making them question what was true and what was fake, manipulating their emotions, but I stopped when I realised two things:


1) It was downright wrong, crazy insane psycho from a movie wrong.


2) The people I was doing it to were beginning to distrust me or avoid me, that's not a nice feeling =/


I feel like a different person, admittedly, I've never pretended to be someone I wasn't, or arrange fake meetings, but you have to stop it now before it goes too far and you hurt someone close to you, or get a reputation.


Maybe you should get counsiling(sp) or something, but at least you finally realised it was wrong. Are you male or female, by the way? I wasn't sure...

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Well yes there is no argument that yo u should stop doing this sort of thing, but what about t his guy.


Do you look much different to the photos on your fake myspace account? Perhaps if you look slightly similar you could come up with some excuse about how you couldn't make i t and how you're really sorry and will; try to make it up to him, if you want something to happen with him that is. Yes I know it's lying but at least that way you wont have hurt him as much as if you told him it was all a practical joke.


Otherwise you could do that thing they do in the movies where the guy gets dared to go out with some unpopular girl only to find out he really likes her and they have some big teary stage where he tells her this and it ends happily ever after. I.e. admit to him that you did it as a joke and have done it before but this time you really do like him, promise that it will never happen again and hope that he forgives you.


I'm curious did he ever s end you any messages afterwoods?

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Hello, I'm afraid what you did is sadly common (not ever meaning right), since the internet appeared (usenet, irc) teens have done impersonating, they don't seem to understand the internet is part of the world, a world where all actions have consequences.


I think you already know what you did is wrong so it's a good idea to do a lot of thinking by yourself, you mention you enjoyed seeing people you spoke to on the internet in real life, that feeling gave you an "emotional high" but why?. It might take you a long time to figure it out but it's important you know the reasons for all those decisions you took.


Now, the people you fooled, for a moment I thought it was an idea to come clean and tell them what you had done, since they didn't really know you there weren't going to be risks involved about one of them beating you up for it but I think with that you'll only damage them more, and what you need is to try to repair a bit of the emotional damage you caused them, so, how does it sounds to you to tell each one of them that you had to move out urgently, couldn't meet them, couldn't contact them before and won't contact them again but you are thankful for the happy times you shared on the internet? (or something).


The new guy, because you want to keep in touch with him, you will have to be honest, you could create some excuse but I think you should avoid lying; more lies can't be an option.


He'll feel really bad and might not want to hear from you again but there's not much else you can do.

Just try to soften the blow to him so he doesn't feel like a complete idiot for trusting you.


I wish you luck trying to sort those problems you have.

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you should really tell this guy that your not who he thinks you are.

would you want someone you really liked to do this to you??

i dont think so. So since you know youve made a mistake which is fine, you need to come clean because your actions are hurting other people now.

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You've had 8 months to come clean. When you first discovered that you liked him, why did you not tell him then rather than string him along as a fake person? Such a silly thing to do.


If I were you, I'd send him an email and tell him exactly what you have done, tell him that you really did like him but felt that you would lose him if you came clean and that you are very, very sorry for what you have done.. Then it's up to him.

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Don't be so hard on her, I guess messing up with people in that way can feel good, make you feel "cooler" or superior to them, what's important is she realises it's wrong and it actually hurts people. I think over the internet you don't really feel there is an actual person on the other end of the screen so even the understanding of right and wrong can get messed up. Like Bethany said I think you should send an e-mail explaining everything, then he can decide what to do...you could also send e-mails to the other people you pulled this trick on, I think they should know...let us know what happens please.

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