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Hm, more detail might be helpful!


Are these blind dates? People you have been dating a while? Did they ask you out? Did you ask them? Did they call to tell you what happened? Do you hear from them again? If they ask you out again, do you agree?


Don't be too hard on yourself, it happens to almost all of us! And someone whom stands you up rather than is honest about it...is a tool!


Heck even my younger sister whom I swear has men after her like flies on peanut butter (she's gorgeous and has a great personality as well) got stood up by some guy a couple months ago after they had dated a few times....yeah, he was a tool! She is so not used to ever being rejected she was flabbergasted as to what to do!

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how well do you know the people your meeting?

Have you known them long before you arrange to meet up?

there could be alot of reasons for why its happened, from both sides really. You cant completely blame yourself or knock yourself down over things like this. Do you get explanations?


(not to be rude, maybe you dont want to put much (i know ive had those moments), but a little more detail, could maybe help).


neva x

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Prenkle, may be you need to reassess what's going on, look at the skills you have for dating, improve some of them and look at your attitude.


I cannot tell you what's wrong, but you seem down now, which may be understandable, but it also does not attract. You attitude could be fine, but in this case you're down and you're not saying anything. Make me wonder.


If you need to know about skills involved in dating, etc. just ask.

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I have a friend that gets stood up all the time. I'm not sure why, but she is a very nice sweet, beautiful person, and she always gets stood up. I also realized she kinda tries too hard...she doesn't really play all that hard to get, so maybe that has something to do with it. I think also sometimes guys just want one night stands or they want sex and if they don't think they are going to get it from you thats when u get stood up. I could be wrong but I kinda have a philosophy about that.

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I guess what I mean is I always feel like I have to put myself out there. I always have to make the first move. And when I do and nothing comes out of it, I'm severely disappointed. Everyone keeps telling me to not look desparate, not try so hard. But I'm afraid that if I don't I'll end up alone with 99 cats. Trying too hard doesn't work and not trying at all doesn't work. What's a girl to do?


A guy asks me out to lunch and then he calls me 5 MINUTES before that he can't make it after I'm already at the restaurant. The reason he gave was that he needed to have lunch with some of his other friends.


No one ever asks me to do anything with them. I'm tired of all this trying and scared as hell not to try.

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I guess what I mean is I always feel like I have to put myself out there. I always have to make the first move. And when I do and nothing comes out of it, I'm severely disappointed. Everyone keeps telling me to not look desparate, not try so hard. But I'm afraid that if I don't I'll end up alone with 99 cats. Trying too hard doesn't work and not trying at all doesn't work. What's a girl to do?


A guy asks me out to lunch and then he calls me 5 MINUTES before that he can't make it after I'm already at the restaurant. The reason he gave was that he needed to have lunch with some of his other friends.


No one ever asks me to do anything with them. I'm tired of all this trying and scared as hell not to try.


Yes, but what happens when neither is working? Maybe it's because you are playing tennis and everyone else is play kickball. I am not trying to be obtuse, but I think my view of things changed greatly when I began studying what works. What skills you need, how to use them, etc.


Your frustration may not be not for too much or too little effort, but because you don't see what is really going on.

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