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just a self esteem booster?

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Roughly two years ago, this girl I was very interested in took it upon herself to say "If I wasn't with (so and so, seriously) I would be with you". She has been living with this guy for at least 3 years now. She tells me last week, " I'm dating again, me and (so and so) separated." What should I do? Unfortunately shes on the opposite coast currently but will be within about 4 hours in 2 weeks. I was thinking about sending her some flowers.. but I have a bad track record with random flowers. So .. i'm open to suggestions..

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Leave the flowers to a little later on and you are a bit more established with her.


Has she made any hints that she is interested in being with you?


Also what has it been like between you two since she made that comment and when she said she is now single and looking to date again?



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If she told you she was dating, then I would take that as a message that she is possibly interested. I'd ask her to do something vague, not a defintie date, and then see how it went. For example, I have told women that I would be doing something on a certain date and asked if they wanted to go. The first thing I did with my wife was play golf, which happened a few months before we dated. Go someplace, have fun, make sure she has fun, done.

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Yeah, were already planning to hit up Atlantic City this fall. We've kept in contact pretty frequently. I told her I was going to Las Vegas for my spring break.. and she made her then boyfriend plan a trip and go at the same time and meet up with my friends and I. And "happened" to be driving near LV, when I was there again and she remembered I had mentioned it.

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