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Answering the phone***************

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Ok, how does your boyfriend answer the phone when you call him?


My boyfriend says, "Hello?" as if he doesn't know it's me (he has caller ID) lol.

Is it bad to feel like I'm expecting him to answer the phone knowing it's ME??


When he calls ME (which is way often than I call him because he goes to work and sometimes does stuff afterwards so I don't know when to call), I answer the phone with a "Hey!" or a "Hii."


Yeah, this is a weird question... but I'm just curious what it's like with other people.

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When I was with my ex he used to go ALRIGHT BABE or HEY SEXY. And now that we've broken up he just goes ALRIGHT HUN. Things never change.


But i guess if he see's its you ringing on caller ID then he should be a bit more chirpy that his gf is ringing him!

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I wouldn't read too much into how someone answers the phone. I have caller ID too and I usually answer "Hey!" to someone I know but sometimes a generic "Hello?" comes out even if I know the person. Can't really explain it but your boyfriend might just be like me. I wouldn't worry about this at all, especially since he says "I love you" plenty.

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I wouldn't read too much into how someone answers the phone. I have caller ID too and I usually answer "Hey!" to someone I know but sometimes a generic "Hello?" comes out even if I know the person. Can't really explain it but your boyfriend might just be like me. I wouldn't worry about this at all, especially since he says "I love you" plenty.

Yeah... I wasn't worried. It was just one of those "Huh? Um, okay?" sorta things, ya know? Hehehe. Alrighty then.


Well thanks for the input rms8 and everyone else.

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Depends. I'm used to saying 'hello' as a standard way of answering the phone, since i'd been using the phone years and years before anyone ever heard of caller ID. It's just a standard greeting, not an indication that one doesn't know who's calling.


Still, when my brother calls, i usually say something like "What Uuuup?!" or "YO!", or something else extremely stupid and annoying like that, since it's (sadly) part of our inside 'humor' together.


All depends who's calling, etc.

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My boyfriend just says hello, and so do I. If it's a call at an odd hour, we'll both answer differently, like hey!!, but really don't feel bad your boyfriend says hello in no particular way-- the rest of the conversation counts, too. Even though the greeting may seem like a first impression to you as to how he's feeling about receiving your call, always remember it's the conversation in general that matters most.


It's cute to get other things said to you, for sure. I think if you were to drop him little sayings, like heeey be excited to hear from me (in a completely non-nagging way), or something like that, maybe you'll start hearing him answer differently from time to time. If you're going to do that though, do it far in between because if it's all the time he may become too aware of it and be like no what's the point-- he may feel forced, know what I mean?

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Yeah... it's the whole conversation that matters.. not just how he answers the phone. I understand. Just wanted to see what other people's opinions were.


I don't know about bringing it up... telling him about how he answers the phone. It might come off as a "b!tch fit" lol. I was thinking about telling him... but if I do, it'll probably be way in the future. Who knows. Yes, it WOULD feel like I'm forcing him to give me a better phone greeting. I like it when he does things himself... cuz it shows that he really cares. Thanks for your input!!

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