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Survey!: Life Timeline

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I don't want to offend anyone but saying there is a "correct" timing for major events in our lives because I know life is unpredictable but...


I was wondering what people thought about the "ideal" ages to get married and start having children. I know it depends on when/if you find the right person and whether you even have the desire to do these things. However, I was just curious what people's opinions are and if they even have any.


Here's a link to my survey:


link removed


I'll post the results after I get enough answers! Thanks guys!

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Yea, that's a tough one. I'm not really thinking about marriage right now. In fact if I was offer now, I would freak out. I think a suitable age would be between 22-30. As for kids, I won't want any, I'm no use at it (too much time, where I can do doing other stuff).

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So far the results are this:



category % votes

20/21 0.0 0

22/23 4.2 1

24/25 29.2 7

26/27 29.2 7

28/29 12.5 3

30/31 8.3 2

32+ 16.7 4

no opinion 0.0 0




category % votes

>20 0.0 0

20/21 0.0 0

22/23 8.3 2

24/25 4.2 1

26/27 8.3 2

28/29 25.0 6

30/31 25.0 6

32/33 12.5 3

34/35 12.5 3

36+ 0.0 0

no opinion 4.2 1




I can't figure out how to get the bar graphs on here but it's kinda close to a bell curve with the peaks being 24-27 for marriage and 28-31 for children.

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Here's an update on the results:



20/21 0.0%

22/23 3.4%

24/25 34.5%

26/27 27.6%

28/29 10.3%

30/31 10.3%

32+ 13.8%

no opinion 0.0%



>20 0.0%

20/21 0.0%

22/23 6.9%

24/25 6.9%

26/27 13.8%

28/29 24.1%

30/31 20.7%

32/33 13.8%

34/35 10.3%

36+ 0.0%

no opinion 3.4%


So it looks like 24/25 has taken a pretty good lead for the marriage questions and 28/29 has taken the children question.

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I voted, but it was based on what felt more right for ME.


The thing with these questions are...it depends more on the individual and where THEY are.


Some 22 year olds are more prepared for marriage than some 35 year olds...but then there are many 22 year olds I see whom are in a rush to get married and really seem very naive to the reality of it all, and there are 35 year olds almost scared by the reality..lol. It's all about maturity, but also really about the relationship you are itself.


I used to think my ideal ages were younger than they are now, but I am glad I have waited because I probably would be married to someone whom was not right for me, and whom knows what!


I think too many people put so much pressure on the AGE they want to be married by/have children by, and don't listen to their own hearts and minds, and look at whether they truly ARE ready.


I personally would rather WAIT until I was older to get married, and have children with the RIGHT man, then rush into it with the wrong one.

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It would be interesting to know the age of the person and their vote.


For people that have not gotten to marriage yet, I bet the vote would be their current age +1 or +2. (Maybe +1 if they are in a relationship and +2 if the are not...)


Like RayKay, my ideal has changed over the years. I agree that waiting for the right person is so much more important that getting married by a certain age.

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