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Stuipdest excuse used to breakup with someone or someone who broke up with u?

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Him: "I think we need to take a break."

Me: "why?"

Him: "I don't know"

Me: "Okay."


He hung up after I said that and I've talked to him twice since then. We broke up in February and I asked him why about 3 weeks ago and he said he still didn't know why. He was an idiot.

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I broke up with a guy and told him it was because he was too nice, and I didnt think I could get used to it.


In reality it wasnt just the fact that he was nice, it was the combination of that and the fact that his insecurity caused him to be just downright annoying.


Are you ok? Is something wrong? What are you thinking about? Are you alright? Is everything ok? Are you having a good time? Do you need anything? Do you want anything? Are you ok? Is something wrong? Im not bugging you am I? Is there anything you want to talk about? Is everything ok?




Granted, I liked someone who respected me enough to care about how I was feeling, and whatnot... I care about the same things, but when there was nothing wrong or when I had never given any signs of something being wrong it was just too much for me to handle... and the more he asked the same questions, the more i'd get irritated and the more he'd ask


Ask how my day was, I'll tell you and ask you how yours was too... but unless I say something's wrong... everything's just peachy!! Tell me Im pretty or something and make me smile, dont irritate the hell out of me with abnoxious questions

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My girlfriend told me she wanted a break because she already felt like she was being a bad girlfriend and she didn't want to feel responsible for her actions or committed to anything anymore. She also said that she needed to "find herself" and just "enjoy life" while she was still young, and that she wasn't sure if she loved me. This was after telling me she wanted to be with me forever and all that. Way to go!

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The stupidest one has to be "I just like being friends so much, I don't want to lose that with a relationship" because in a matter of three days you both know that "all-important" friendship will be ended too.


Most common one has to be: "I love you, but as a friend (or I'm not in love with you." Another variation is "I just don't feel like I can give you what you want, I don't feel as strongly about you and I feel like I'm unworthy."


Also, "I just don't want a relationship with anyone right now, I need time to focus on..."


Too bad we never really know why it's over...

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See, when I look into the future, I can see us together, and I can see us together now, but all that stuff in the middle is really hazy, and I don't think we are meant to be together then. But in the future, we might be...but I don't think it's fair to not know what is happening in the middle.


Yeah, I was confused too. But whatever his reasons were, I am grateful in retrospect he did end it!


I do have some friends whom have heard some real "kickers" though...like "I was told in a dream that we had to break up" or "this distance (half an hour apart mind you) is just too great for me".

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The stupidest one has to be "I just like being friends so much, I don't want to lose that with a relationship" because in a matter of three days you both know that "all-important" friendship will be ended too.


Actually, that's sort of true though. I went out with a guy that I had been really good friends with for a few years and we broke up after 3 weeks because neither of us wanted to lose our friendship if the relationship ended bad. We were still friends for like a year after that before we just fell apart and got our own group of friends.

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