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why do people cheat when their drunk?

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I've never cheated, and personally, I dont consider alcohol an excuse for cheating. But...when drinking, I do make some choices with girls I know I shouldn't have. There'll be times when I say I'm "done" with this one girl, tired of dealing with her and her issues, but then when I'm drunk and she happens to come by or see me at a party...it all goes away and I forget everything I wanted to do when I was sober. I'm a guy, but I basically become easy once I'm drunk...so I try not to get drunk too often.

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Yup, drinking lowers inhibitions. Inhibitions are what keep you from doing what you would do if there were on consequences.


If there were no consequences for any actions, it would be amazing what people would end up doing regularly. So, while it does to some extent bring out the "true person"... it is also a bit off because, at the time, they don't recognize the consequences.


In the end though, does it really matter? Cheating is cheating. I've been drunk and have yet to cheat. I know a lot of people who have cheated while sober. Who knows...

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I think those whom cheat when drunk are those whom would also cheat when sober given the right opportunity.


People whom make a commitment to their partner in their heart and mind are faithful whether they are straight sober, or unable to peel themselves off the floor. Drinking lowers inhibitions, but it does not remove one's own morals.


And if someone REALLY blames their drinking for their actions, they need to stop excusing their actions and maybe look at what they can do to prevent that in the first place. You may have lower "morals" when you are drunk, but you should have enough choice to say no to drinking that much then in the first place.


Cheating is cheating either way, and being drunk, high or stranded on an island does not excuse it in my opinion.

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My theory of drunkedness is:


You know what you're doing but you don't think it's wrong.


This doesn't apply to completely blind drunk though. So drunk that you don't remember anything that happened the night before type of thing.


It still doesn't excuse anyone for cheating.

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Hmm... I think stranded on an island should excuse it... but, maybe that's just me.


Not me, because damn it if I am going to be busy scanning the pacific looking for their butt they sure as HECK better be keeping it in their pants (or coconut, or whatever!).



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I've never cheated on a boyfriend, and I don't intend to. It's just not in my nature, alcohol or not. If I'm just seeing someone casually then I don't consider myself in a commited relationship, but if we are exclusive, the no, it's just not a possibility. The most I ever did was kiss another guy one time, but we were technically broke up at that time anyway. But it still wasn't the best choice. If I see some one else that I'm interested in, at least I'm going to have the decency to break up with my boyfriend and end that relationship first.

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I think the major reasons have already been given.


I could postulate one aspect for why young females might do it. I personally believe alcohol does more than loosen women's inhibitions. I believe it has a very direct impact on libido (by increasing it in most cases).


And if you aren't used to having such an insatiable urge for sex, then the obvious implication is that it might be a bit more difficult to resist when the opportunity presents itself and you know it will feel so incredibly good.


Men know this if they know anything and will take advantage of that.

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Drinking can take you to the point where you do not care what happens. This is why cheating can happen when you are drunk. I dont believe that drinking would enable you to do anything you wouldnt consider doing its just when people drink they have the guts to do it.

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While I think people take "being drunk" as an excuse too far, I have to disagree about it being what the person would do if they weren't drunk, under the right circumstances.


I know back in college, there were times when I was so drunk, I did some stuff that I don't even know or remember I did. Only reason I know is because people told me. I had hooked up wth girls, woke up at someone's place and not know how I got there lol. My friend and his girlfriend told me they saw me walking drunk with people (who verified this) while they drove down the street. I saw them and proceeded to dive on the hood of their car as they were driving away from the street light lol. I would never do something like this and I honestly wouldn't believe I did it if they didn't tell me, as well as the people I was with.


I mean I don't drink at all now so it isn't a problem. However, I really couldn't feel too bad about doing anything if I have absolutely no recollection in doing it. I know alcohol has different affect on people. Some people it makes aggressive and violent (bar fights). For me, it makes me overly friendly and touchy, as if I just did some X. Odd lol.

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Drinking can take you to the point where you do not care what happens.


I agree with that. I usually care about my actions and how what I do affects myself and others...but when you're drunk, those feelings get thrown out the window. Plus, many people (myself included) become WAY more horny and "loose" when drunk.

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well, drinking does lower your inhibitions but its just a poor, easy, bad, crappy excuse when you do a morally bad action. I'm always in control no matter how drunk i am, well decision wise.


I've never cheated on a girlfriend, or tried it on with any of my friends girls and i've been drinking for some years now basically no excuses!!.

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Well as an Alcaholic I did cheat and only ever did it when I was drunk.

after I met my wife I stopped drinking and that changed my life,


I had done so much harm to myself and others trying to self medicate with drink

that once I stopped I had to address and fine help for what what hidding in my mind all along. For me I cheated as a side affeact of dealing with a number of mentile illness. As I have found ways to deal with the illness the drink as farllen away and so has the cheating and the other stupid and dangares things I did when drunk.


For me cheating when drunk was a very low point in my life, the crazy thing was to get over the shame and giult I drank, around and around it went.

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I think that if you are truly committed to someone you won't put yourself in a situation where that could happen.




We are all responsible for our actions, and the consequences of those actions. So if you choose to drink until you are no longer responsible for your own decisions, you also chose those risks and consequences.

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i used to drink occasionally...and sometimes end up drunk. i wasn't in an exclusive relationship with the guy i was with.


when i met my now ex boyfriend. i changed because i want to. i stop drinking and if i do i limit my drinking. i only drink more when i'm with him cuz i know i won't cheat.

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We are all responsible for our actions, and the consequences of those actions. So if you choose to drink until you are no longer responsible for your own decisions, you also chose those risks and consequences.


I think that depends. I don't drink now as I'm really into health and exercise and have no room for it. But years back, I did drink. If I was with someone back then, I might have cheated when drunk. It's not right but how are you supposed to know HOW you will react until you do it and things happen? Not everyone blacks out. I did a few times. Now that I KNOW how I react, I wouldn't drink like that even if I did still drink.

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