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a great "pick-up" tactic...

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o.k. this may seem shallow - but this worked for me:


when you bump into someone that you sort of know and have a crush on - that you haven't seen in awhile - say "hey give me your number and we'll hang out sometime."

then jokingly assure them that you are NOT hitting on them.


now i'm not encouraging anyone to be dishonest - because when i SAID this to my friend john - i really meant it. i wasn't thinking in the same frame of mind then.


but i waited a few weeks to call him - and then when i did - i said:

"hey - remember when i said i wasn't hitting on you? i changed my mind!"

let's get together soon...


he LOVED it!

i caught him right in the middle of a boring workday, and then i said it'll be a couple of weeks before i am free...(which is also true) and so now there is the suspense factor -

and i know he is "crazy" (in a good way) so it is going to be fun!!


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I am glad to see you are having a good time these days. I think it would be tough to think up a pick-up line that wouldn't work for a female to use on a man. Honestly.


The way you say you aren't hitting on him will let him know your intentions. He should be able to see through that by the inflection in your voice. There are some things you cannot hide.

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As a man, here's an effective pick-up strategy women can use on us.


"Hey, Joe! You want to go to the [insert random date idea here]?"


Seriously, men are easy if they're single. If a girl showed interest in me and I knew it wasn't for a bad reason, I would jump on the opportunity.

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As a man, here's an effective pick-up strategy women can use on us.


"Hey, Joe! You want to go to the [insert random date idea here]?"


Seriously, men are easy if they're single. If a girl showed interest in me and I knew it wasn't for a bad reason, I would jump on the opportunity.


You bet. Interest and enthusiasm. That she has the confidence to walk up to me and ask me out speaks volumes (tells me she probably has confidence about how she looks and about herself as a whole). If I were single, there are few women I would turn down for a date (long as I found her at least average looking).

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lol its much easier for women to be 'honest' than men..


if I was totally honest with every girl I bumped into that I had a crush on it would be more like..


"hi there..ain't seen you in a while...do you want to come to bed...?"


that won't work (99% of the time)..


So ...we guy's have to lie for good reasons...like..

"sure..course I'd love to read your latest poem about saving the trees" and "my God...you're lookin younger than ever.....have you lost weight?"

Its nature's way of making sure the world doesn't run outta people.

that thing you pulled on your friend...would work with every guy I know including me. lol. now you got any tips for us????

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You bet. Interest and enthusiasm. That she has the confidence to walk up to me and ask me out speaks volumes (tells me she probably has confidence about how she looks and about herself as a whole). If I were single, there are few women I would turn down for a date (long as I found her at least average looking).


u shallow git she might have a nice personality

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I pretty much refuse to lie and play that game. Wonder why I can count the number of women I have slept with on one hand (and I don't even need all the fingers sadly).


cardinal, keep it up bro, no lies to the girls, it's the long run that counts. I was the same way and I have a good long marriage with tons of sex, while my buddies who lied and said anything to get laid have been long divorced or have a sexless marriage, keep growing good karma!

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