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Today I had to have my cat put to sleep. It was a family decision and his liver started to fail. It came on very sudden and he lived a very active healthy 15 years until now. I wasn't in town to see him in his final moments, but it was unexpected. I saw him the day before when I took him to the vet so at least I was there for that.


He was the most friendly cat I have ever seen, always purring and wagging his tail. He definitely didn't look or act his age. We weren't perfect owners, but I think we came as close as possible. I just hope that somehow he realized the impact he had on us and at least how much I cared about him. I miss him very much.

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I'm really sorry.


It's so hard losing a pet. I just recently lost my dog. It's one of those you never get over, but eventually you will be able to look back on the memories with only happiness.


You say you weren't perfect owners, but I'm sure if your kitty got to go back and choose his family, he would have chosen your family to care for him. Afterall, he was loved in your home.

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A week before my 18th birthday my cat had to be put down. He was only a few weeks younger than me so he had always been there. Three years on and I still miss him. But I know he was in quite a lot of pain near the end so it must have been a relief for him.


I'll never forget him.

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I'm so sorry about your cat. I work at a vet clinic and I help out with the euthanasia process. I have to say, it does not get any easier. When you're standing in the room while the pet's owner's heart is breaking, it's awful.


Your cat is free from pain now. He would be happier that way. 15 is fairly old for a cat and I'm sure he had a great life.

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It is comforting to know that someone else is going through the same thing as me. Just today also, we had my 19 year old cat put to sleep and I can honestly say it was the hardest thing i've ever gone through. I feel numb and desperate with grief. She was stunningly beautiful and right up until the very end I held her in my arms and buried my face in her fur and smelled her scent. She was my whole world and I miss her so much. I hope you can get through this sad time and my thoughts are with you and I share your pain.


God i miss her so much, im praying for the pain to stop.

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It is comforting to know that someone else is going through the same thing as me. Just today also, we had my 19 year old cat put to sleep and I can honestly say it was the hardest thing i've ever gone through. I feel numb and desperate with grief. She was stunningly beautiful and right up until the very end I held her in my arms and buried my face in her fur and smelled her scent. She was my whole world and I miss her so much. I hope you can get through this sad time and my thoughts are with you and I share your pain.


God i miss her so much, im praying for the pain to stop.

I'm so sorry for you loss also! Losing a pet will never be easy, especially when you had her for so very long! I do hope your pain eases!

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