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question for ladies only please....

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is it normal to pass clots during your menstral period? I have really bad cramps and for the last few months have been passing clots, big ones, like golf ball size, it hurts, really bad. I called my gyn and she said that it's "normal to have some clots" but she didn't answer my questions about how much is normal and about my pain, I am basically unable to function the day before and the first day of my period, I get diarehha, and vomit, and in a lot of pain, and I loose a lot of blood, I am anemic because of all the blood I lose.


I don't think this is normal. Should I go to another doctor? Mine says this is on the "outside edge of normal" but it seems bad, I don't really know anyone else I can ask though.

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I'd go to another doctor. Periods are supposed to bring some pain, that's the price we pay for being members of the better gender, but it sounds as though you're completely incapacitated. If your doctor can't feel your pain, you should go to a different one, or demand that your doctor pay attention to your needs. She can put you on a birth control that regulates your periods, makes them lighter, or makes them go away completely. You don't have to be in this much misery every month.


It IS normal to pass clots... but are they really the size and shape of golf balls? I know I pass large clots, but they're definitely not the size or shape of golf balls. That's got to be something wrong.

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wow..well my first day is always the worst and i feel like i am gonna throw up or pass out from the cramps and i have clots as well but yours dont sound normal, esp if you are saying they are the size of golf balls - ouch ouch ouch!!! i think you should definitely go and see another doctor so that at least you can get some peace of mind.

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I think you should go to another doctor. It is normal to pass clots. Maybe they can put you on the pill to reduce the blood flow in your periods. What I like to do is take an Advil the night before my period so I am not in so much pain the next day. This will reduce the swelling and you will have little to no pain during your period. I have clots and a heavy flow but after taking Advil on a regular basis I do not have pain during my periods any more. IB profane is best to take for periods b/c it helps reduce the swelling. Tylenol only reduces pain but it does not reduce swelling. Most of the pain during your period comes from being swollen. Take Advil every four hours. That has been a God send for me I could not live without advil during my periods.

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Well, some clotting is normal as the blood pools near your cervix before exiting, and it can cause clotting for example.


But, if they are THAT large, then I would say that's a problem of some sort. I wonder if you have ever been tested for fibroids or endometriosis?


Some people do have a lot of pain, and nausea, and even diarrhea with periods (due to additional cramping in abdomen) however...this seems very new for you, and that is a worry.


I really think you need to see another doctor - perhaps an OB/GYN specialist, This increase in pain, especially with vomitting and diarrhea, and extensive bleeding causing anemia is very possibly a sign of something much more.


You know your body best, if this is unusual for you, don't let your doctor influence you into denying when you know something is wrong. We need to be our own advocates sometimes.

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It was the same for me before I went on the pill. I actually took iron to beat the monthly anemia. I now have a Mirena (IUD). I think the vomiting and diarrhea are not normal though. Is it always like that? I'd see a doctor to see if there is something to make your periods less heavy. I did the same, and I'd like to be without these hormonal contraceptives, but I can't spare the time it takes to be ill monthly!



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I had vomiting and diahorea from the age of twelve. I also got blood clots but all my immediate female relatives had the same. When I was 18 I went to see a gyn and they couldn't find anything wrong.


The vomiting and diahorea stopped when I was put on the pill. However the clots still continued. One day I had a large clot that looked like liver. I was told if it happened again to go and see the doctor. It never did.


Eventually when I had to come off the pill the sickness and diahorea gradually came back.


At one stage because of a disability I have I asked to be sterilised. That did help a bit. My periods weren't any heavier than they were before.


Until I went on HRT I was back to the same stage of being ill as I was when I was young. I told the doctor I'd had enough and even asked about a hysterectomy. He said that would be the last option and he told me of all the problems I could end up with. Since I already had enough problems with my disability I thought it was wise not to go down that path unless I have too.


I've found that the cramps are a lot better if I've done a lot of walking in the previous weeks. If I haven't then I'm usually in a lot of pain. So much so that my painkillers for my disability (one has morphine in it) don't contol the cramps. I become very weak from blood loss and end up in bed because I feel like I'm going to pass out. I still get blood clots but the amount and size depends on which ovary is menstruating.


The doctor has changed my HRT tablets so that eventually I should only have a period once every 3 months. So far my body hasn't got the balance right and I'm still having monthly periods, however, the amount of blood loss is not as bad as before. The vomiting has stopped and the diahorea has too unless my Irritable Bowel Syndrome kicks in.


He still doesn't understand why this problem happens to me. It sounded like he'd never come accross it before.


I suggest you go and see another doctor, preferably a woman doctor. Men don't seem to understand what we go through. Sorry men no offense intended.


If you still are not satisfied insist on seeing a specialist/consultant who deals specifically in those kinds of problems.


Please let us know how you get on.


Good luck and take care.

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Its very normal. I am the same. I also become anaemic and spend the week feeling dizzy and light-headed. The first two days are hell and I can hardly leave the house for fear of leaks. Its getting so bad I'm considering birth control, even thought I don't need it.

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I have the same problem and it has only gotten worse over the past few years. The doc says it's normal, and is more and more common as you get older. I didn't start having problems with it until after having kids. I've been told that birth control pills help it tremendously, but I've not tried that route. There is also a balloon procedure that can be done in the dr's office that will stop it, but you only want to do that if you are finished having kids or don't ever want any. Some dr's won't even do it until you are over a certain age or already have so many kids. Personally, I'm leaning more towards that that the birth control pills.

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I have the same problem and it has only gotten worse over the past few years. The doc says it's normal, and is more and more common as you get older. I didn't start having problems with it until after having kids. I've been told that birth control pills help it tremendously, but I've not tried that route. There is also a balloon procedure that can be done in the dr's office that will stop it, but you only want to do that if you are finished having kids or don't ever want any. Some dr's won't even do it until you are over a certain age or already have so many kids. Personally, I'm leaning more towards that that the birth control pills.

I will have to look that up, I have 2 kids already and we aren't having any more, hubby is already snipped, so I bet they would let me do it (if I need it and it's safe and all that)

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