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My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year now. I love him so much and I do anything to make him happy, but lately things have been so rocky and we've been arguing a lot! When we were going out for about 3 months, my mom kicked me out of the house and had me move in to his house. He lives with his parents, so tehy weren't very happy about it.


When i had just moved in, he went to Brazil for a month. I couldn't go with him because of my job and all, so he went by himself. I trusted him so much that he would never do anything wrong. When he got back, he told me that he had cheated on me. It hurt me so much...but i forgave him anyways.


After that i just couldnt trust him anymore, and i didn't wanna leave him alone because of the fear that i have of him cheating on me again. But then i moved back to my house, and things seemed to be getting into place once again.


Since then we spend every weekend together..but now he's been saying that i can't be one single weekend without him, and that I'm pressuring him too much ...which I'm not. And just today he said he has to go to Orlando with a friend of his to pick up something there. I dont know if I should let him go, Im so scared that he's going to cheat on me again. The trust is not there anymore, and his attitudes dont help much to say that he has changed, and that he wont do that again.


Its so confusiing beacause i love him to death, and he's the person I want to spend the resto of my life with... what should I do ?

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I think that you should let him go - if he goes and doesnt do anything wrong, then it will help you begin to build trust again. If he screws up again, then you know he's not the guy for you. He did do the right thing and tell you he cheated last time, so that counts for something. You have to let go a little to see if you can trust him again, maybe you can't, but you'll never know unless you let him out of your sight and wait and see if he does it again.


Good luck honey, and you know, he may not want you to go to orlando because it's a "guy's thing" like he'd be considered wipped if he "had" to bring his girlfriend....

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He cheated, it should have been over then. It's just to hard I understand that, I only hope you can find it in you to leave him. He cheated once he will do it again, I'm so sorry. That is so horrible, I wish you would have been lucky enough to fall for a good man. Such a hurtful thing that he cheated on you, get rid of him.


He doesn't want you to go?? Don't think he won't cheat again, cheaters lie and lie. My grandmother got cheated on for 30 years. She has never gotten over it.

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umm that is a hard decision cuz it is a possibility that he could cheat on you in orlando but then again not letting him go could really make issues for you so im saying you should take the chance and if he comes back saying he cheated on you then there wont be any trust and if there is no trust then there is no relationship cuz they dont work with out trust and if he goes there and doesnt cheat on you then your trust will come back a little more.

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