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Will never feel the same about anyone else.

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There is a guy whom i was dating 2 years ago. Although I knew we had to split up because we wanted different things and had little in common, I honestly believe that I will never feel what I felt for him with anyone else. I did not love this guy, it was an incredible strong infatuation that we shared and he has taught me the biggest lessons in my life so far and that's why I care for him so much.


I am relieved we have parted because I was just filled with anxiety when we were on and off all the time, but am just sad to think i will never feel so connected on a certain level with anyone like i was with this guy. I was with another guy before him for three years and i loved him dearly, but there was never the same amount of infatuation in that relationship.


It's just kinda scary to think I might never find anyone who i will feel that with again.

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I'm with you on that one. Same feelings, both ways. However, instead of worrying that I will never feel that way again, I just try to see what I *do* feel and see if that meets my expectations. If it does, then that's good.


It took me over 30 years to find that feeling. (well.. only about 20 where I actually looked for it). I'm not surprised that I haven't found it again so soon.


Part of me though thinks that's a good thing. I don't know if I ever want to be so head-over-heels in love again. But yeah, I miss it sometimes.

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Just because you had not had that connection BEFORE, does not mean you never would again.


And, I guarantee it is MUCH better when you are not filled with anxiety either. Because, you can find someone you are deeply connected with, deeply in love with, and whom feels the same in return. Instead of settling for just the icing and spending your time believing you will never find that again.....well, why not look forward to when you can find the cake, filling, icing, candles, party favours and the happiness.


Life is truly what you believe it will be...and if you believe you will never find that again, well, you just might fulfill your own prophecy because your actions will reflect that, and you will close your eyes to opportunities.

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