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Chloe, it's like I said before, STOP PLAYING HIS GAME!! As long as he can get a response from you, ANY RESPONSE he will not leave you alone. Don't even respond by saying NO, just ignore everyting and anything he tries with you. Stop giving in to his trying to buy you, and your affection. I know it makes life easier to have a place in the city to go to, but is it really worth the price you are paying for it??

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Last week my gramma was staying with me, and she said to me that she would come with me to go back and talk to the police. I collected everything, all the emails, all the notes, postcards he sent me while he was away you name it.


I went to the police and told them everything. It took a few hours. And it all had to be typed up in a revised statement to which i signed off. I took a whole day of work and spent most of it at the police station.


Since he has left the note i have not heard anything from him, not even a whisker.


The police were talking to him at the end of last week to which he admitted everything including the note, and breaching the order etc.


But the Domestic Violence Officer had to make a report for further advice as I had a huge part to play in it all including all the emails back and forth, phonecalls, messages etc. They called today to advise me they will be going ahead and still pressing charges against him. They will be calling him during today to advise him of this. I will be notified of what happens, he says etc after they have called him.


It will go to court in approx 3 weeks to which he either pleads guilty or not guilty. If he pleads not guilty it will go to a hearing to which i will need to be there, they bring in witnesses, cross examinations, etc etc, he can bring his defence forward...


But the Domestic Violence officer told me she advised him that they have some pretty strong evidence against him and at the end of the day the fact is he still breached the order, i wasnt the one with an order made against me, he was, and he broke that.


If he pleads guilty, then its up to the court to fine him or do whatever with him...


I just hope he goes away. I just hope this is the end of it... but i will know in three weeks

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Chloe, BRAVO for sticking to your resolve to force this guy out of your life for good. He will probably try to contact you in these 3 weeks to try and convince you to drop the charges, OR he will finally realise you mean business, and leave you be. Don't relax on your security, and stay strong, the end is near, and you have come so far! I'm really very proud of you!!

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  • 6 months later...

This is me.


I lost my old log in and was reading through this.


He has not got in any trouble for anything he has done back then. I reported everything he did. Every time he was arrested he was let go straight away.


This is still going through court. He keeps getting adjournments.


He has not got in a single ounce of trouble for any of this. Nothing, zadda zip.


Not even a hearing date has been set


The police are absoloutely useless. Totally. No one knows what is happening, no one can tell me anything. Its ajoke.


This was definitely the wrong avenue to take.

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