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Ideas on how to lose weight quickly

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Best and simplest way is to eliminate fatty sugars and starch from your diet. Increase your water intake. Run a lot! Running is the key part. You won't see a huge drop at first, but keep at it and the pounds will melt off. Make sure to stretch. It avoids injury and gives your muscles some more pliability.

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Can I get rid of about 15 lbs in about 2 to 3 weeks? Also, is there any way for me to feel less weighed down and more energetic?


Yeah you can what i suggest and it worked for me is go to the gym everyday if possible and get a personal trainer, eat healthy no out to eat if you can salads, at least 3 fresh veg. servings a day and at least 2 fresh fruits a day at the absolute least. Cardio at least 30 mins a day if possible and if more if you can, if you can try to do mostly chicken and eat things with plenty of fiber that way it can fill you up. You can try weight loss pills they work a little but you can almost never keep the weight off, best one i have seen people use and work the most is alli i think is how you spell it good luck and i feel for ya

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  • 8 months later...
Can I get rid of about 15 lbs in about 2 to 3 weeks? Also, is there any way for me to feel less weighed down and more energetic?


I want to look good again like when I first moved out here and I only weighed about 115 lbs.

RW- PLEASE be careful... i went through this and decided to get prescribed to amphetamines for adhd. i did need to pay attention, yeah, but the side effect that i knew would happen would be getting rid of the extra college weight i had gained. i was 110 until college and came back from it at about 145.


i started taking them august 2006 and lost 52 lbs by december. it was disgusting. i took it too far and couldn't stop looking at myself in the mirror... you know, the raise your shirt and stand sideways to see how skinny you are look. i became depressed and lost most everything that i had and realized i was anorexic at the end of it all. 93 lbs at age 22, i had to leave everything and try a new life for 3 months until food didn't make me gag.

PLEASE be careful... its not worth it to lose that much weight so fast and you can never understand the side effects of so much weight loss. i couldn't stand without almost blacking out, i would pass out in the shower and i had to go to the emergency room and get an IV in addition to steroids.


my best suggestion instead of drugs is the plan i had to get back to my health... 6 SMALL meals a day. it helps regulate your diet and you actually end up eating less cause you aren't hungry all the time. its what is usually suggested for eating disorders because it helps get people back to health but its not a drastic change (which would make anyone with the problem go right back to starvation!)

it works the same way with weight loss but it will not happen in a couple weeks. with the diet and some exercise (which i'll admit i never do cause i'm LAZY ) you'll see good LASTING changes in a month or two

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Well you said yourself you don't eat right or exercise enough.


If you take care of yourself, eat healthy and moderately with the occasional treat, and exercise regularly, you will notice it's not all that hard. It just takes some motivation. Take some aerobic, and yoga classes.


Now ..if you want to loose that much in a matter of that short of time you need to put yourself on a healthy detox diet.


Drinks: You can ONLY drink water.


Food- Raw fruits and veggies. rice and beans. Plain chicken or fish. Nuts, and chicken noodle soup.


Take a multi vitamin, and any other vitamins or you normally take.


It's definitely a hard diet to stick to, but there is no magic button to loose weight. A detox the only way to loose that much weight in a healthy way.

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Drinks: You can ONLY drink water.

OOOH good call, i forgot about this one...

i used to ONLY drink coca-cola... all the time, every day

when i got my tongue pierced when i was about 17 i only drank water for about 6 months (to avoid rinsing every time i took a sip at first and i lost about 15 lbs just from blocking the cokes!

now i'm all about diet sodas, but i should still drink more water.

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