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After all this HE was the one who cheated!


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You all have read my posts. I cheated on my man, and he found out. He put me through hell. I cried i begged for him back, anything. I felt like complete dirt. Come to find out today..he cheated on me BEFORE i cheated on him with ANOTHER one of our co workers.....I am so mad, and so BETRAYED. this guy is A PIECE OF DIRT. I cant believe after all of this, he did that to me. OH MY GOD!


I thought I lost everything. Everything. After I cheated on him, but to find out that he put me through the ringer...after he did the SAME thing to me, is to hard to swallow. I dont think I can forgive him for this. I feel so hurt.

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So you cheated on him and then found out that he cheated on you.


I think both of you should remove each other from the relationship and find someone else. Seems like both of you can not be committed to each other. Time to raise the white flag and call it quits.


Unless you both really want to work on this relationship, which means couples counselling and maybe finding a new place to work. Good Luck.

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Sounds like the both of you will have a hard time forgiving. Cheating for me is a deal breaker on either side and the trust level never really is there again. I agree with BetterKArma that you two should probably just move on and find a new direction in life apart from each other.

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So he cheated himself too and went through all the anger when you cheated also, I think you guys should break up and go separate ways. Sounds like none of you are yet ready for that level of commitment and to make matter worst he never wanted to commit, never wanted to be your b/f only to cheat, wow. Break up with him already and hope you also learn from this, not to do that in your future relation.

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So you cheated on him and then found out that he cheated on you.


I think both of you should remove each other from the relationship and find someone else. Seems like both of you can not be committed to each other. Time to raise the white flag and call it quits.


Unless you both really want to work on this relationship, which means couples counselling and maybe finding a new place to work. Good Luck.


DITTO! 1000 times over!


it sounds like it's time to put the final nail in the coffin of this relationship, and call it a day.


ug! I am sorry that you've gone through all of this.

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This relationship seems really unhealthy and full of lies, disrespect and deciet. Perhaps it is better off that now you are broken up.


Do you really want to salvage something that damaged both of you so much, and in which both of you cheated?

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Well, it's not THAT surprising. His actions seemed to be rather over the top in many ways, and seemed to be hiding something.


What a complete jerk. Yes, you were in the wrong, but he was also 100% wrong to treat you that way and hold this information from you.


Time to move on separate ways my dear, there is so much resentment and just cruelty on his part here to really resolve in my own opinion.

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