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ive been seeing/dating this girl for about 5 months.....she had came out of a longterm relationship when we started talking.about 2 months into the relationship,we had the talk where i let her know that i see more going on between us than just being friends and she agreed.she said she wanted to take it slow and i said that was cool with me.usually when you get to this point,if the girl is not intersted after youve spillt your guts to her about your feelings and she hangs around....thats usually a good sign.i told her the ball was in her court.she is brutally honest and she would have told me if she didnt want a relatinship with me,in fact she addmitted she had very strong feelings for me.we do have to be careful,as we work at the same place and the company has a policy against relations between co-workers.we talk to each other several times a day and hang out some during the week and almost every weekend together as well.we often go on day long trips out of town to go shopping or whatever.she has told me several times that she has never had so much fun with anyone as she does with me....does this girl see me as her BF or not.i really dont wanna ask her again,i think she assumesw we are a couple now......what do you think......PS,she doesnt ever go out with any other men.......

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Do not assume everything is roses. If it still hasn't been clarified that you two are an exclusive item, the you two are free to do as you please. And while I personally don't care about the label of a relationship, I do care about what it communicates to her. Think about it, you're telling her "I'm ok with having this open uncommitted relationship with you." How serious can she think you are about her.


I have no doubt that your feelings towards her are good so now it's just about expressing yourself to her the right way. Bring it up again and be very matter of fact about it. Let her know what you want and what you're looking for. You two have spent enough time together where you deserve to know where you're at so you don't waste any more time on someone who's not serious about you.


This is not being needy, this is telling someone what you want. Make sure you keep this in mind the whole time you're talking to her.

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well,i havent completely acted assumin were a couple.she will say one of girlfriends are wantin to go out shoppin this comin up weekend and i will say yall will have fun,she will say she wanted me to come with them,she will say that she doesnt want to ngo alone.i am thinkin she assumes we are a couple

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Nope you cannot assume that. Until it's an agreement and everything's been spelled out, all bets are off. Get your answer or be ready for a "surprise" one day when you find out she's dating another guy at the same time or dumps you without actually dumping you. She could just stop calling you and have a clear conscience about it.

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If you have to ask, then it's not safe to assume you are an exclusive couple. If you are an exclusive couple then there should be no problem clarifying that with her. If you are hesitant to clarify your status as a "couple" then that makes me think that deep down you know that you are not exclusive.

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