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what the hell to do with my life

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hey guys.


my biggest problem...is what i am going to do with my life.


i got good gcses.

a levels BCC in maths, physics and biology ( god knows why i took them )

then i had a year out working in a shop and in as a waitress.

I tried psychology at uni but dropped out after the first term.

i haven't done anything since due to mia/depression.

I don't even have a part time job.


i can't stop thinging what to do next.

I have a place to do fashion design and forcasting at a collage starting in september. But i can't just go and do that becasue i have nothing else to do. i don't think i will be very good at it. And im scared i will do that get into debt, finshish the degree,...and then not have a job.


Im thinking of getting into a job and working my way up, just from having my alevels i suppose.


but i have no idea where to start. what to do/where to look.


I am so down and feel so huge at the mo i can't even walk to the shopS!


I know i need to sort myself out but i just dont know where to start.

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It must be tough being a college student where you already have plans what's gonna be your major about, but don't know exactly in what field you're gonna specialize at. As for the depression, I'm sure your college have counseling, you may want to try it.

Right now you need to really relax and focus on what was your primary concern when you first began taking classes, on your main major, and go on from there.

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I think you should definitely stick to the 'plan'. You will have a better chance of getting a job with a degree than without one. Focus more on what is happening right now, instead of what the future will be like. You could go to college and have a job at the same time. There are many options available to you. You should also definitely talk to a career counselor if they have one at your college, or do some research online.

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