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Me and my boyfriend work together but at work he is always flirting with my co-workers on the phone and he asked me to get pictures of the other girls to put a face to the voice so I did just to be polite. We are in a long distance relationship. When he is on the phone to the other girls I can hear him flirting with them and some of them do it back. Do you think I am just being paranoid and should just ignore it? Is really getting to me thats all and when I once asked him he said he doesn't flirt he is just friends with them all but yet he swaps numbers and pictures with them?

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I consider it very disrespectful personally. Some people are naturally flirtatious people. But there are others whom consciously know they are doing it, and he knows he is doing it.


I would NEVER have given him pictures of my coworkers, that was a ridiculous excuse on his part. It's okay to be nice, don't be a doormat though. People will treat you as you let them, and it sounds like he knows it.

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I met my current boyfriend through my job as well. He and I both helped to open the restaurant that we currently bartend in together. We were good friends for over two years until last summer when we discovered there was a lot more to us than that. Well anyways, he has always been a flirty guy, heck, he flirted with me when we were just friends (i'd just roll my eyes at him, lol). But when he would make flirty comments or gestures with the other girls, the girls would turn to me with an expression like "umm Liz, this is awkward", as if they knew he shouldn't do what he was doing, especially in front of me! Well, I shrugged it off because I wanted our personal lives to stay out of the workplace (not the easiest thing ever).


There was this one day where he basically had done or said one too many things for me to handle, so after work I pulled him aside and said "Hey, I know you are a very fun guy, quick-witted and such, but sometimes the comments that you make to the other girls here embarrass me." He said something like "Really? I don't mean anything by it!" I said "The girls look at me when you make comments to them, and I in turn tell them you haven't taken your meds yet, haha."


Never the less, the flirting died down because he cared about how he was making me feel. If it comes up once in awhile, then I will make a wise-crack (no harm to him) that pretty much re-directs the flirting from the awkwardness that it could become.


Remember, when you work with your boyfriend it does add stress to the relationship because you are around eachother a lot more. Ususally work is a personal thing for a person, but a co-worker thing is all business. You guys need to find that line between business and personal and balance it out!


Best wishes to you

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Let me shed some light on the situation, being a naturally flirty guy myself.


When I'm with my close friends, I always joke around and do many things that were we not all guys, would probably come close to flirting. I tease them, and they always tease me, it's just a thing we do. Because of this, whenever I'm with other people, I tend to do the same thing. Sometimes, I do it without even noticing, and then later on, I'll realise what I'm doing, and stop, but lots of times, it goes unnoticed. I'm good friends with both someone, and his girlfriend, and he realises my personality, and takes no offense to when I act kind of flirtingly with his girlfriend. He knows that I just enjoy doing it, and there is no deeper meaning to it. If he were to ask me to stop though, I would.


There are some people that I know who find it very annoying, and with them, I don't do it. If I make a conscious effort, I can stop, but I find it more fun to just do it, so unless it's made obvious that it isn't wanted by someone, I do it.


The fact that he wants pictures for the voices sounds a bit odd to me, but it still doesn't mean anything. You should ask him to stop flirting around them, since it bothers you, and he should stop. The odd comment might still come out, but if it drastically decreases, don't sweat it, it probably means nothing.

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